Sunday 20 August 2017

Updates and Catastrophes

I suppose it's about time for an update...... I will never get over the catastrophic loss of my data from the catastrophic hard disk failure as consequence of the curse of "The Three Weeks". So am currently running on limited computing resources with not enough data storage space hence no comics and less than regular updates, which will be so until I get myself a new $100 hard disk which won't be happening until after my Cancun trip due to other catastrophic hits to my savings plan which I will not go into here. As it is said you can never have too much spending money while on vacation, so with just six weeks to go, all available finance are being channelled into my Cancun savings - Australia's very high taxes notwithstanding aka my car and trailer regos and other tax-related bills. But I am a Virgo, I can do anything if I put my analytical mind to it, and I will have ample funds for spending money and tours while in Cancun.

Now grappling with another catastrophic event - Mercury's retrograde, the ruling planet of Virgo appearing to go backwards when viewed from planet Earth hence "retrograde". Computer and electrical problems, and also transport related problems, often occurs during Mercury's retrograde, and I am staring in the face a potentially catastrophic electrical problem which also involves transport.

Last Friday night when I went to the convenience store for a bite to eat, being my Friday night habit, my Virgoan analytical eyes noticed the dashboard light in my car was unusually dim. This can mean only one thing - the battery is about to die. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt to prove it!!! The first sign of impending battery failure is dim dashboard lights.

Being a member of the RAC, one of my Virgoan things, insurance against catastrophes, when the battery dies I just call out the RAC to check it and determine if I do indeed need a new battery, then they deliver and install the new battery on the spot while taking away the old battery for recycle. However, this will cost me several hundreds dollars, and I cannot afford any more hits on my Cancun savings plans. So if and when the battery fails which will be a matter of days as it doesn't take long for it to die once the dashboard lights goes dim, well I will just live without a car for these next six weeks to Cancun. Not a problem since being in a place within walking distances to all kinds of shops, supermarkets, and the train station.

Problem is, this will interrupt my plans to clear out my storage unit, that I DO need a car for. I was hoping to clear out the storage unit by the end of the year which will save me several hundreds of dollars in rent each month, which means more money for my trips - and to satisfy Australia's very high taxes!!!

As per my Virgo tendencies, it is PANIC first and think later. Anxiety is hardwired into the DNA of Virgos. Panic is what we do best, we Virgos are experts at panicking. The panic being that the battery catastrophe will add two more months of storage unit rental, being well into 2018 before I could get my unit cleared out.

Then after I finished panicking and lay down exhausted in my bed for the night, my Goddesses must have spoke to me in my dreams, for an idea came to me. My current estimates of when I will get my storage unit cleared out is based on making one trip to the unit each week. This balances the need to push on with the task of clearing out my unit ASAP and the need to save petrol so not to spend too much on this very expensive substance before my Cancun trip. Petrol is very expensive in Perth. However AFTER I come back from Cancun and get the battery replaced, there is nothing to stop me from going to the unit MORE than once per week, indeed I could go TWICE per week, since my goal is to clear out my unit before I go on any more trips. Therefore I could STILL achieve the goal of clearing out my storage unit by the end of this year thus having 100's of extra $'s per month available to me by the start of 2018. No more need to panic.

Meanwhile am preparing for the day I go attempt to start the car only to find the battery is dead. It's not a matter of IF but WHEN this will happen. The signs are there, as per my Virgoan powers of observation. Not only the dashboard light is dim, but it is now taking 3 to 4 turns to start the car. It usually takes only 1 or 2 turns to start the car. So the battery could die tomorrow or it could be a few days, perhaps a week or so if I am lucky. So it's a matter of how many more trips to the storage unit I can make before the battery dies. I may try to make two trips this week, it depends on other factors usually time related - it's a 90 minutes round trip to the storage unit and back again WITHOUT gridlock traffic but usually longer cos I tend to go after work when there is usually gridlock traffic. So it ends up being a late night by the time I get back and unload the car. But as I said, really no need to panic cos I could go to the unit more often after I get back from Cancun. Just that we Virgos like to get things done ASAP, we don't procrastinate and we don't like any delays!!!!

Next catastrophe - the football. Well a Magpie catastrophe anyway as we do what we do best - get beaten by other teams!!!! As of before this weekend I was sitting in 4th spot in the office tipping competition. You need to be in the top three to win any prize money. So this is the closest I gotten to prize money since the curse of Chiron kicked in, way back when Mother passed away, when Chiron entered my Ascendant sign Pisces. With just two more rounds to go including this past weekend, well it remains to be seen whether the curse of Chiron still kicks in and I don't make it into the top three. I will know tomorrow how I fared this past weekend, then I will have only just one more weekend. If I manage to stay in 4th spot then there is still a chance, but if for any reason I drop down to 5th or more then forget it, the curse of Chiron kicks in once again. Chiron is still in Pisces but is close to moving out of Pisces..... finally..... that be about 2019, so still another year or so, another year of dealing with the curse of Chiron.

So until next time...... just watch this space if you don't fall asleep while doing so.......

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