Sunday 14 February 2016

New Zealand Inspirations for 2016

I won't even talk about Valentine's Day for I despise this holiday more than any other holiday on the Roman or any calendar, even more so than Xmas, it is just part of Chiron the Wounded Healer natal in my Ascendant sign..........

2016 will be a year of contrasts..... a year of heartbreak but also a year of high adventures as I do things I never done before.

The New Zealand trip, especially Convergence, set the stage for 2016...... so lets focus on the adventurous parts. During my New Zealand trip I done and experienced many things that I never experienced before in my 52 years on this planet..... not since Taygeta anyway........

And so this is will how 2016 will be...... one thing being that I will began to attend spiritual events in Perth even though I will be on my own. In the past I shied away from attending any events cos I hate going to places on my own. Being a Virgo introvert with Chiron the Wounded Healer natal in my Ascendant sign Pisces, I have had issues with attending events on my own.

Well Convergence have inspired me, and so I resolve to attend at least the spiritual events on my own. So I sought out such events thinking there is never anything much going on in Perth anyway, but then on Facebook I came across this group dedicated to events in Perth and was surprised to find that there are so much happening!!!! Rather than being scant for choice, I was overwhelmed with choices, and find myself having to choose between them!!!! It was almost like being back at Convergence!!!

One of the first events that really caught my eye was this one..... (click on the link below)

Tribal Fire Ceremony

This is right up my alley. My natal chart shows four planets in Virgo, the sign associated with priesthood and ceremony, and indeed I have spent many past lives as priests, mostly Pagan but also Jewish, at various places on Earth and other planets. I also have two planets in Scorpio the Shamanic sign, so was also a Shamanic practitioner in past lives and I do currently practice shamanic journeys now.

So as they say, one should always go by first instinct, and my first instinct was to get on the site and purchase the ticket. However the old fears of being on my own and not knowing anyone took over, and it took me three times until I finally entered my CC details and click on the submit button!!!! The FaceBook posts of others attending also on their own without knowing anyone is what helped my cause, so there will be some in the same boat as me. And this is an overnight stay, camping out overnight on that weekend of April 9/10. So I will need to purchase a tent and perhaps a camp  bed. I already have a sleeping bag. Will also need a cooler box to keep my food in. This is way out in the boonies with no electricity, and probably out of range on my mobile devices!! But there is no backing out now, I am financially committed, I booked and paid for the ticket!!! I am both nervous and excited at the same time. This will be my first Pagan ceremony - one of many firsts for 2016 as inspired by Convergence.

So the above event is set for April 9/10, still some two months away.

Meanwhile I need to attend events prior to this, and most probably the first such event is a couple of weeks away. I won't say much about it now in case I chicken out. But being a Virgo once I commit to something I usually follow through, though on some occasions, Chiron the Wounded Healer in my opposite Ascendant sign takes over and I chicken out. My Ascendant sign is opposite to my Sun sign, and so there is always the tug of war, a battle that rages on each occasion, a toss up whether my Sun sign will win or my Ascendant sign. My Sun sign usually wins. And so I do intend on attending this event in two weeks, it involves "spiritual dancing" which is what I do. Up until now I have done this only at church, the spiritual dancing. But at Convergence I was introduced to alternative spiritual dancing and I loved it. I since learned that here in isolated little Perth we seem to have quite a few alternative spiritual dancing events, and so again I needed to choose, and so I decided the end of February to be a good time, a spiritual dance event on Saturday evening two weeks from now. There is no booking involved, we just front up at the door with $25 in hand. This means I can chicken out at the last minute but I intend not to do so..........

There are other events happening which I am considering attending...... as much as both time and my budget allows ;)

However I haven't totally cut ties with my cousin's church, I still attend church with her, currently my only avenue of spiritual dancing, and I have booked at spot at Glory Camp with the church at Easter time, also out in the boonies at Serpentine and probably out of mobile range but I can live with that, at least for very short times...... if I can do it at Convergence, then I can do it anywhere!!!!! Haaaaaa...... even if I was crawling up the walls and suffering from withdrawal symptoms by the last day of the festival!!!!!!!

And then a major event in June....... I will share more as I get closer to the time......... watch this space!!!!!!

Now with the Jupiter conjunction with my North Node in my Sun sign for much of 2016, I am very much looking to the future in 2016, hence partly the reason for stepping out into the spiritual events. This is a part of my destiny. The North Node speaks of future destiny, and Jupiter is the planet of expansion and prosperity, so 2016 is the right time to step out into my destiny, certainly my spiritual destiny as an incarnate from Taygeta being sent to this planet to fulfill my purposes.

An old penfriend of mine who found me again on Facebook sent me some of my old pixs from my teen years, when I was younger and a lot less wiser!!!!!!!!! I was around about 16-17 give or take a bit, two of them has Justin in it who was born in 1981 so makes it somewhat easier to date at least some of these pixs - approx 17 years or so of age in those ones!!  So as I look to my future destiny I won't forget my past even if much of it was painful, but it is what made me today............

So.... enjoy!!!!!

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