Sunday 21 February 2016

More adventures ahead in 2016

Oh what a week this has been, an even more intense week as we look to the eclipses in March, the solar eclipse in my Ascendant sign Pisces, followed by the lunar eclipse in my Moon sign Libra. All those celestial energies being so in synch with my life!!!!!! Of course we still have the Jupiter conjunction with the North Node in my Sun sign Virgo which speaks of destiny and prosperity.

Previously I shared about my intention to attend an event just to the south of Perth, the Tribal Fire ceremony which involves a campout on the property. This adventure I am very much looking forward to. A little over a week ago I came across another adventure online and my soul immediately jumped!!!! And so I almost immediately jumped at the chance and made my financial commitment to this one, meaning, I am going to attend this one also. I am told the group will be limited to just 12 people as we explore the various sacred sites and rock formations, and also doing some very interesting workshops. This one is over five days in May, so of course I needed to apply for vacation leave from work so I could attend. And again I will be camping out on site, this time over four nights. Should be fun!!! I LOVE camping!!!

Anyway here is the link to this event that I am attending......

Yeah.... Sedona is an awesome spot..... I been there once before but only for a few minutes as I was passing through the town on my travels..... back in 1998..... way out in the desert.....

So where is Sedona?..... um yes.... it's in Arizona.

Yes you read correctly..... it's in Arizona......

And we all know where Arizona is don't we?...... America!!!!!!

Um..... I think you should know where we're going with this...... especially since I have not yet mastered that art of multi-dimensional travels and time warp shifts......

Yes!!!!!!...... I am going to America!!!!!!

This past week I have been very busy in planning my itinerary, booking my flights, lodgings, car rentals, etc...... and this is how my 2nd ever trip to America will pan out...... and absolutely NO marriages are planned..... not THIS time!!!!!!!!...... I will remain extremely firmly single footloose and fancy free this time!!!!!!!!!!!

My vacation from work will be from May 11 to June 8, and I will leave the sunny but very isolated shores of Perth on the night of May 11, indeed taking the "midnight horror" flight to Sydney. Or more precisely, departing Perth at 11:55pm, arriving Sydney about 6am local time. After about 4 hours in Sydney, I depart for the VERY L-O-O-O-O-N-G flight to Los Angeles, just over 13 hours, and after about 2 hours in LA, I fly to Kahului on the island of Mauri in Hawaii. So yes my first stop will be in Hawaii, on the Hawaiian island of Mauri, said to be the Heart Chakra of the Earth. I am spending five nights on Mauri, going for my walks by the ocean, exploring the two volcanos on the island, and connecting with the Earth. Hawaii is the remnant of the ancient continent of Lemuria, where I spent some of my past lives, indeed I was a priest on Lemuria.

Then on May 17 I take the flight to San Francisco via Seattle. Then in San Francisco I pick up my car and head on down to Sedona, staying overnight near Los Angeles. Then my Sedona adventure from May 18-22.

Then I will drive across to Roswell on the 22nd, spending two nights in the town, the site of that UFO crash. Oh yes we all know about Roswell and the UFO incident there.

Then I head north to Mt Shashta, said to be the Crown Chakra of the Earth, where many UFO sightings and other strange things has been happening. There are also many Native American legends around Mt Shashta. It is located in Northern California among the famous Redwood forests.

I am due in Mt Shashta on the 31st, so leaving Roswell on the 24th, it will give me about a week to get to Mt Shashta. That part of the journey is not planned, this is where I will live my life as a Wandering Wolf, just going where the wind takes me, and just finding a motel or camping spot when it gets dark. I am spending some time in motels and other times camping out in my tent. In Hawaii I will be in a motel, but in Sedona I am camping out, and also at Mt Shashta, and in Roswell I am staying in a motel. So it will be an adventurous trip. Though I am not sure how my journey from Roswell to Mt Shashta will pan out, it is likely to include heading north to Denver then to explore the famous Rockies Mountains, may even go as far north as Idaho, Montana and Oregon, depending on how much time remaining I have - those places I did not visit during my 1998 trip.

Anyway I have a camping spot booked deep in the Redwoods near Mt Shasta from May 31 to June 5, then on June 5 I drive down to San Francisco to take the evening flight down to LA, where I will kiss America goodbye for just the 2nd time in my life as I commence my VERY LONG flight back to Sydney, just two hours in Sydney, then the last leg back to very isolated Perth, arriving near the middle of the day on June 7, and THIS time I will come back ALONE!!!!!! No marriage!!!! No wife!!!!!!!!

So I am pretty well set for my America trip, including my tourist visa. These days you need a visa to get into America. Back in 1998 you didn't need a visa unless you stay for more than 90 days, however these days you need a visa to travel into America at all and you only allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days. Well I will be well under that time, being only about 3 and a half weeks in total. It was just today that I applied for my visa, these days it is done online, and quite amazingly I was approved in just 20 minutes. They say to allow up to three days to process the application, still less than back in 1998 when I needed to apply for a visa since I was there for six months!! It seems the application process is completely automated by computer, and it is only when the system comes up with "issues" that the govt officials steps in hence the three days specified maximum. Whatever, I am most grateful to be approved in such a short time. The visa is electronic on the computer system, and so when I get to America, they just scan my passport and the visa should hopefully come up on the system. Also it is valid for two years, so if I return to America within two years I won't need to re-apply, the original visa will still be current. It is just that the limit of any single America trip is 90 days.

Today I went shopping for my camping gear since I didn't have any except for a sleeping bag. So after much shopping around, I finally bought myself a tent, one of those dome tent, I went for the larger 3-man tent so I will have plenty of room. Well if I am going to spend up to five days in the tent, I would want a decent one. And of course the America trip will not be my only time in the tent. The Tribal Fire ceremony event in Jarrahdale also involves a campout. And there will be other campouts I will be attending as I attend more spiritual events around Perth.

And I bought some of the other creature comforts, such as an air mattress, a cooler (esky) one of those collapsible ones so it would fit into my suitcase during my America trip, and a back pack for my hikes as I will be on a few hikes during my America trip. And also bought a yoga mat for my meditations.

Oh yes.... when I said 2016 will be a year of adventures I was not kidding!!!!!!!!

Now my quirky sense of humor..... this one in reference to Mt Shashta being known for both UFO sightings and Big Foot sightings..... interestingly the campsite I am staying at is known as "Big Foot Park"..... hmmmmm I wonder if I will be abducted by Big Foot, well if the ETs doesn't get me first...... hehehe.......

Meanwhile back at work.......

And our computer system at work......

Never mess with a critter ;)

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