Monday 29 February 2016

Dancing Dhevas and My Dealings With Chiron

As per usual my life is shaped by the celestial alignments, indeed the universe speaks to me through the planetary alignments. My natal chart shows Chiron the Wounded Healer in my Ascendant sign Pisces being opposite to my Sun sign Virgo. And during the Chiron return beginning around 2010 my life began to turn pear shaped. Mother's death happened just after Chiron entered Pisces, and my wife's death happened near the spot of my exact Chiron return, that is, returning to the same spot in the sky as where it was in my natal (birth) chart. And as Chiron continued its slow journey through Pisces, my life continued to be difficult. Then Jupiter entered my Sun sign Virgo, and soon things began to turn around. I went to New Zealand, and the Convergence festival at New Zealand inspired me to embark on adventures for 2016, seeking to get out more and attend events in Perth, and to travel further afield, such as to America in May/June.

However I still have to deal with Chiron the Wounded Healer still in my Ascendant sign, and we have currently both Neptune and Chiron there. Neptune deals with the deep spiritual/emotional aspects, and Pisces is a mystical sign to begin with. My interests in all things spiritual stems from Pisces being my Ascendant sign. However over the years I have suffered a lot of pain and heartache in my pursuit of  my spiritual goals, that is the Chiron influence.

I never liked to attend events on my own. This is part of the Chiron influence. Everyone else seems to know someone at these events but I would not know anyone, so I be all alone, and so in the past I avoided attending events on my own. The question is always asked, what if I don't fit in? What if they didn't like me? What if I am too old?

Nevertheless, Convergence in New Zealand have inspired me, and so I was determined to start attending events in Perth. I had already booked and paid to attend an event happening in April, the Tribal Fire Ceremony. But up until now I am yet to actually attend any events.

As the Sun entered Pisces and moved into conjunction with Neptune, I had the inspiration and energy to attend my first event - the Dancing Dheva event last Saturday evening. Here is the link.....

And link to the website....

It is basically a 2-hour session of free form spiritual dancing followed by a circle of sharing. I had always loved dancing. Indeed during my 1998 trip to America I met a Medium who knew nothing about my past but told me that my Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide was a dancer. And to cut a long story short, there were a lot of dance events at Convergence in New Zealand and I participated in as many of them as I could. This inspired to seek out spiritual dance events in Perth and was surprised to find so many of them here in this isolated little city!!!!

And so I settled on the Dancing Dheva event. Ironically the event took place a day after what would have been Mother's birthday. Mother was a dancer and was very good at it, indeed she once worked as a dance teacher. Aside from my Spirit Guide, my Mother is the inspiration behind my love for dancing. And indeed it was Mother who inspired me to overcome the Chiron influence and to attend this event.

One of my Chiron inspired questions was what if I am the oldest person there?? Afterall we're talking about two hours of solid dancing so I thought it would be just for young people. I am very fit and could easily dance for two hours, nevertheless, my fear of not fitting in remained an obstacle which needed to be confronted. However soon after I arrived my fears were put to rest. For indeed there were quite a few people who seemed to be near my age and older!!!

And well..... in a nutshell.... it was awesome! I was so glad I attended. I am so free when dancing, all inhibitions simply disappears, it is indeed a form of meditation. They hold two dance events each month, and I intend attending most of them!!!!

Now we move into March the month of eclipses. There is a solar eclipse happening on the 9th, and a lunar eclipse on the 23rd. The solar eclipse begins in Indonesia due north from here and in fact will be visible from here in Perth, and it ends just to the north of Hawaii and indeed visible from Hawaii - this was the sign that I needed to visit Hawaii first on my America trip, indeed I be spending 5 days in Hawaii on the first leg of my trip.

Anyway March is a very busy month for me. Very busy for one who normally doesn't have a life and usually doesn't have much happening!!!! The list of events I am due to attend are......

March 5 - Dancing Dhevas

March 6 - The DonateLife ceremony in honor of my wife being an organ donor.

March 19 - Wedding of one of my nephews

March 25-28 (Easter) - Glory Camp with my cousin's church

These are at least the planned events that I have committed to attend.

And so 2016 the year of adventures continues to unfold......

What happens during a Chiron return.....

Meanwhile in Perth the top 3 of most expensive cities on Earth......

Working very hard for our wage rise......

The Truth be known........

Sunday 21 February 2016

More adventures ahead in 2016

Oh what a week this has been, an even more intense week as we look to the eclipses in March, the solar eclipse in my Ascendant sign Pisces, followed by the lunar eclipse in my Moon sign Libra. All those celestial energies being so in synch with my life!!!!!! Of course we still have the Jupiter conjunction with the North Node in my Sun sign Virgo which speaks of destiny and prosperity.

Previously I shared about my intention to attend an event just to the south of Perth, the Tribal Fire ceremony which involves a campout on the property. This adventure I am very much looking forward to. A little over a week ago I came across another adventure online and my soul immediately jumped!!!! And so I almost immediately jumped at the chance and made my financial commitment to this one, meaning, I am going to attend this one also. I am told the group will be limited to just 12 people as we explore the various sacred sites and rock formations, and also doing some very interesting workshops. This one is over five days in May, so of course I needed to apply for vacation leave from work so I could attend. And again I will be camping out on site, this time over four nights. Should be fun!!! I LOVE camping!!!

Anyway here is the link to this event that I am attending......

Yeah.... Sedona is an awesome spot..... I been there once before but only for a few minutes as I was passing through the town on my travels..... back in 1998..... way out in the desert.....

So where is Sedona?..... um yes.... it's in Arizona.

Yes you read correctly..... it's in Arizona......

And we all know where Arizona is don't we?...... America!!!!!!

Um..... I think you should know where we're going with this...... especially since I have not yet mastered that art of multi-dimensional travels and time warp shifts......

Yes!!!!!!...... I am going to America!!!!!!

This past week I have been very busy in planning my itinerary, booking my flights, lodgings, car rentals, etc...... and this is how my 2nd ever trip to America will pan out...... and absolutely NO marriages are planned..... not THIS time!!!!!!!!...... I will remain extremely firmly single footloose and fancy free this time!!!!!!!!!!!

My vacation from work will be from May 11 to June 8, and I will leave the sunny but very isolated shores of Perth on the night of May 11, indeed taking the "midnight horror" flight to Sydney. Or more precisely, departing Perth at 11:55pm, arriving Sydney about 6am local time. After about 4 hours in Sydney, I depart for the VERY L-O-O-O-O-N-G flight to Los Angeles, just over 13 hours, and after about 2 hours in LA, I fly to Kahului on the island of Mauri in Hawaii. So yes my first stop will be in Hawaii, on the Hawaiian island of Mauri, said to be the Heart Chakra of the Earth. I am spending five nights on Mauri, going for my walks by the ocean, exploring the two volcanos on the island, and connecting with the Earth. Hawaii is the remnant of the ancient continent of Lemuria, where I spent some of my past lives, indeed I was a priest on Lemuria.

Then on May 17 I take the flight to San Francisco via Seattle. Then in San Francisco I pick up my car and head on down to Sedona, staying overnight near Los Angeles. Then my Sedona adventure from May 18-22.

Then I will drive across to Roswell on the 22nd, spending two nights in the town, the site of that UFO crash. Oh yes we all know about Roswell and the UFO incident there.

Then I head north to Mt Shashta, said to be the Crown Chakra of the Earth, where many UFO sightings and other strange things has been happening. There are also many Native American legends around Mt Shashta. It is located in Northern California among the famous Redwood forests.

I am due in Mt Shashta on the 31st, so leaving Roswell on the 24th, it will give me about a week to get to Mt Shashta. That part of the journey is not planned, this is where I will live my life as a Wandering Wolf, just going where the wind takes me, and just finding a motel or camping spot when it gets dark. I am spending some time in motels and other times camping out in my tent. In Hawaii I will be in a motel, but in Sedona I am camping out, and also at Mt Shashta, and in Roswell I am staying in a motel. So it will be an adventurous trip. Though I am not sure how my journey from Roswell to Mt Shashta will pan out, it is likely to include heading north to Denver then to explore the famous Rockies Mountains, may even go as far north as Idaho, Montana and Oregon, depending on how much time remaining I have - those places I did not visit during my 1998 trip.

Anyway I have a camping spot booked deep in the Redwoods near Mt Shasta from May 31 to June 5, then on June 5 I drive down to San Francisco to take the evening flight down to LA, where I will kiss America goodbye for just the 2nd time in my life as I commence my VERY LONG flight back to Sydney, just two hours in Sydney, then the last leg back to very isolated Perth, arriving near the middle of the day on June 7, and THIS time I will come back ALONE!!!!!! No marriage!!!! No wife!!!!!!!!

So I am pretty well set for my America trip, including my tourist visa. These days you need a visa to get into America. Back in 1998 you didn't need a visa unless you stay for more than 90 days, however these days you need a visa to travel into America at all and you only allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days. Well I will be well under that time, being only about 3 and a half weeks in total. It was just today that I applied for my visa, these days it is done online, and quite amazingly I was approved in just 20 minutes. They say to allow up to three days to process the application, still less than back in 1998 when I needed to apply for a visa since I was there for six months!! It seems the application process is completely automated by computer, and it is only when the system comes up with "issues" that the govt officials steps in hence the three days specified maximum. Whatever, I am most grateful to be approved in such a short time. The visa is electronic on the computer system, and so when I get to America, they just scan my passport and the visa should hopefully come up on the system. Also it is valid for two years, so if I return to America within two years I won't need to re-apply, the original visa will still be current. It is just that the limit of any single America trip is 90 days.

Today I went shopping for my camping gear since I didn't have any except for a sleeping bag. So after much shopping around, I finally bought myself a tent, one of those dome tent, I went for the larger 3-man tent so I will have plenty of room. Well if I am going to spend up to five days in the tent, I would want a decent one. And of course the America trip will not be my only time in the tent. The Tribal Fire ceremony event in Jarrahdale also involves a campout. And there will be other campouts I will be attending as I attend more spiritual events around Perth.

And I bought some of the other creature comforts, such as an air mattress, a cooler (esky) one of those collapsible ones so it would fit into my suitcase during my America trip, and a back pack for my hikes as I will be on a few hikes during my America trip. And also bought a yoga mat for my meditations.

Oh yes.... when I said 2016 will be a year of adventures I was not kidding!!!!!!!!

Now my quirky sense of humor..... this one in reference to Mt Shashta being known for both UFO sightings and Big Foot sightings..... interestingly the campsite I am staying at is known as "Big Foot Park"..... hmmmmm I wonder if I will be abducted by Big Foot, well if the ETs doesn't get me first...... hehehe.......

Meanwhile back at work.......

And our computer system at work......

Never mess with a critter ;)

Sunday 14 February 2016

New Zealand Inspirations for 2016

I won't even talk about Valentine's Day for I despise this holiday more than any other holiday on the Roman or any calendar, even more so than Xmas, it is just part of Chiron the Wounded Healer natal in my Ascendant sign..........

2016 will be a year of contrasts..... a year of heartbreak but also a year of high adventures as I do things I never done before.

The New Zealand trip, especially Convergence, set the stage for 2016...... so lets focus on the adventurous parts. During my New Zealand trip I done and experienced many things that I never experienced before in my 52 years on this planet..... not since Taygeta anyway........

And so this is will how 2016 will be...... one thing being that I will began to attend spiritual events in Perth even though I will be on my own. In the past I shied away from attending any events cos I hate going to places on my own. Being a Virgo introvert with Chiron the Wounded Healer natal in my Ascendant sign Pisces, I have had issues with attending events on my own.

Well Convergence have inspired me, and so I resolve to attend at least the spiritual events on my own. So I sought out such events thinking there is never anything much going on in Perth anyway, but then on Facebook I came across this group dedicated to events in Perth and was surprised to find that there are so much happening!!!! Rather than being scant for choice, I was overwhelmed with choices, and find myself having to choose between them!!!! It was almost like being back at Convergence!!!

One of the first events that really caught my eye was this one..... (click on the link below)

Tribal Fire Ceremony

This is right up my alley. My natal chart shows four planets in Virgo, the sign associated with priesthood and ceremony, and indeed I have spent many past lives as priests, mostly Pagan but also Jewish, at various places on Earth and other planets. I also have two planets in Scorpio the Shamanic sign, so was also a Shamanic practitioner in past lives and I do currently practice shamanic journeys now.

So as they say, one should always go by first instinct, and my first instinct was to get on the site and purchase the ticket. However the old fears of being on my own and not knowing anyone took over, and it took me three times until I finally entered my CC details and click on the submit button!!!! The FaceBook posts of others attending also on their own without knowing anyone is what helped my cause, so there will be some in the same boat as me. And this is an overnight stay, camping out overnight on that weekend of April 9/10. So I will need to purchase a tent and perhaps a camp  bed. I already have a sleeping bag. Will also need a cooler box to keep my food in. This is way out in the boonies with no electricity, and probably out of range on my mobile devices!! But there is no backing out now, I am financially committed, I booked and paid for the ticket!!! I am both nervous and excited at the same time. This will be my first Pagan ceremony - one of many firsts for 2016 as inspired by Convergence.

So the above event is set for April 9/10, still some two months away.

Meanwhile I need to attend events prior to this, and most probably the first such event is a couple of weeks away. I won't say much about it now in case I chicken out. But being a Virgo once I commit to something I usually follow through, though on some occasions, Chiron the Wounded Healer in my opposite Ascendant sign takes over and I chicken out. My Ascendant sign is opposite to my Sun sign, and so there is always the tug of war, a battle that rages on each occasion, a toss up whether my Sun sign will win or my Ascendant sign. My Sun sign usually wins. And so I do intend on attending this event in two weeks, it involves "spiritual dancing" which is what I do. Up until now I have done this only at church, the spiritual dancing. But at Convergence I was introduced to alternative spiritual dancing and I loved it. I since learned that here in isolated little Perth we seem to have quite a few alternative spiritual dancing events, and so again I needed to choose, and so I decided the end of February to be a good time, a spiritual dance event on Saturday evening two weeks from now. There is no booking involved, we just front up at the door with $25 in hand. This means I can chicken out at the last minute but I intend not to do so..........

There are other events happening which I am considering attending...... as much as both time and my budget allows ;)

However I haven't totally cut ties with my cousin's church, I still attend church with her, currently my only avenue of spiritual dancing, and I have booked at spot at Glory Camp with the church at Easter time, also out in the boonies at Serpentine and probably out of mobile range but I can live with that, at least for very short times...... if I can do it at Convergence, then I can do it anywhere!!!!! Haaaaaa...... even if I was crawling up the walls and suffering from withdrawal symptoms by the last day of the festival!!!!!!!

And then a major event in June....... I will share more as I get closer to the time......... watch this space!!!!!!

Now with the Jupiter conjunction with my North Node in my Sun sign for much of 2016, I am very much looking to the future in 2016, hence partly the reason for stepping out into the spiritual events. This is a part of my destiny. The North Node speaks of future destiny, and Jupiter is the planet of expansion and prosperity, so 2016 is the right time to step out into my destiny, certainly my spiritual destiny as an incarnate from Taygeta being sent to this planet to fulfill my purposes.

An old penfriend of mine who found me again on Facebook sent me some of my old pixs from my teen years, when I was younger and a lot less wiser!!!!!!!!! I was around about 16-17 give or take a bit, two of them has Justin in it who was born in 1981 so makes it somewhat easier to date at least some of these pixs - approx 17 years or so of age in those ones!!  So as I look to my future destiny I won't forget my past even if much of it was painful, but it is what made me today............

So.... enjoy!!!!!

Sunday 7 February 2016

My First Time in Sydney

My flight home from New Zealand involved a 9-hour stopover in Sydney - the perfect opportunity to explore this fascinating city for the first time ever!!!! Here I am spending 52 years in Australia and I never been to Sydney before!!! It just goes to show that when born and bred in the most isolated city on Earth, you tend to stay isolated!! OK I been to Melbourne before, if my memory serves me correct, I been to Melbourne twice in my life. I been to Adelaide once, and Canberra once. Never been to Brisbane nor Darwin nor Hobart, and up until last month I never been to Sydney before!!!!!

It was just a short 3-hour flight from New Zealand to Sydney, and like the Virgo that I am, I Googled for information on Sydney beforehand to prepare myself and make plans. I found out that there is a regular train service from the airport to the city area, and at the airport there is a baggage holding service where they would hold my luggage for a fee, so I planned to use it for my hand luggage so I wouldn't have to lug it all over Sydney!!! And so Virgo me had it all planned out!!

It turned out that, since coming from a foreign country - I mean New Zealand NOT Perth!!!!, I would be required to retrieve my checked luggage in Sydney and submit it for all the security and quarantine checks. And despite my Virgo preparations and maps of the airport, I managed to get lost just getting to the customs area!!! I thought they would check the luggage BEFORE the passport checks, and to add to the confusion, there were duty free shops BEFORE any customs checks, so I thought I somehow missed it, and doubling back and forth, until a kindly customs officer enlightened me as to where I needed to go, which was the ORIGINAL direction I was going!!! Yes should always go with first instincts!!!!

So it turned out it was passport checks FIRST, then to the luggage carousels to retrieve my luggage, then joining the long queues to submit my luggage to the various checks. And there were items I needed to declare, such as my supplies of chocolates!!!! Now it be an utter catastrophe if I had to give up my supplies of chocolates!!!!!! But I was happy to report that I was allowed to bring my very precious supplies of chocolates through without any drama, the officers must know a choco-holic when he sees one!!!!!!

Now when I FINALLY managed to get through the various customs and quarantine checks, I first went to check my luggage back in for my flight back to Perth..... then left my hand luggage with the luggage storage service, before finally making my way to the train station which was underneath the airport!!! I bought my day-rider ticket which is  fed through the machines at the entry and exits of each station which hopefully lets me in or out of the stations. The locals have electronic cards like credit cards, similar to the Smart Rider system that we have in Perth, but being just a visitor who is not likely to be in Sydney very often, I was better off with an one-off ticket.

The trains were very impressive, being two levels on the cars much like the trains in America, and so I would always ride on the upper level even though 90%of the journeys were underground all the way from the airport to Sydney, and mostly around the city area. Virgo me already figured out which station to get off at, having already checked the Google maps for nearby parks, and planning my walk through the parks until I got to the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. But again I almost got lost...... until I checked the GPS tracker on my phone!!!!!

So the obligatory exploration of the Opera House, or at least the outside bits anyway..... well I never been there before..... and then once I gotten in the vicinity of the Harbour Bridge I saw that one can actually walk across the bridge!!!! So being such an intrepid adventurer that I am, I just NEEDED to walk across that bridge!!! But firstly I needed to get TO the bridge which seemed to be three miles up in the air from my lowly vantage point by the water!!!! So began my long trek to try find myself a way to get UP to the bridge..... so I followed it back for what seemed like an eternity, slowly but surely going higher and higher up on the ground, until FINALLY I was able to get onto the bridge to begin my long hike across it.......

When I came to the pylon I noticed people on top of it..... uhhhhhhh I wonder how I could get up there!!!!! You know me, I just NEEDED to get up to the top of that pylon, being the intrepid adventurer that I am!!!!!! When I got there, I discovered that indeed we could go up there to the lookout...... for a price..... a very high price!!!!! OK it was expensive, $13 just for a peek-a-boo over the top, but hey, it's not every day I get the chance to visit Sydney Harbour, I mean this was my first time in 52 years!!!!! So just a small price to pay....... as I embark on the long climb up the stairs, which seemed to go almost as high as Mt Everest!!!!! Every so often there were interesting historical displays which help break up the long climb to the top, the most interesting being those puddy cats which apparently lived high up on the bridge while they were building it!!!!! Anything to do with puddy cats always interests me!!!!

Well..... FINALLY I made it to the top...... and the views were very much worth the effort!!!! It seemed like I was on top of the world looking down on that fascinating city that is Sydney.

Then to continue my 3-day hike across the bridge..... well it seemed like a 3-day hike anyway!!!! But it was worth it...... when I finally made it to the other side....... And now all smug and satisfied that I managed to walk all the way across the bridge...... until reality set in..... I would have to walk all the way back!!!!!! Yeah it happens on planet Earth!!!!

Next to explore the CBD and in particular to try find Martin Square and the Lindt Cafe..... you know the scene of the hostage drama...... finding it proved to be a challenge in the seemingly endless labyrinth that is the CBD area, but I figured if I try to walk towards the center of it, sooner or later I would find it...... and LATER I did find it!!!!! There were still coppers all around, and when I took a pix of the Cafe with my phone, a couple of the coppers gave me a funny look..... Hey don't worry!!!! I am not a terrorist!!!! I am just a foreigner exploring a strange city.... I mean someone from Perth!!!!! Foreigner??.... well didn't you know about the two mates at the Sydney airport waiting for a friend from Perth to arrive...... the plane had already landed, and they were wondering why it was taking so long for the friend to come through the gate, when one was heard seriously mentioning to the other.... "well you know them passport and customs checks does take a while"!!!!...... Hey the real reason may be like what happened to me on the flight from New Zealand, we were stuck on the tarmac for over 20 minutes cos the intended gate was still occupied by another aircraft!!!!!!!.... or he got lost IN the airport like I did!!!!!!! Passport checks indeed!!!!!!

Anyway when I achieved my goal to find Martin Square and the Cafe, I decided to catch the rain back to the harbour area.... so I went down the ant hole that is the entrance to the underground station, thinking it just goes around a loop cos it said so on my ride into the city..... until I found out it was more complicated than that!!!!! The line from Martin Square was a completely different line!!!! But fortunately at some point it did cross the loop, so once I figured out which side of the platform I needed to be, I caught the train to the changeover station..... which was still complicated, cos the loop was on a different level to the Martin Square line...... so trying to find my way through the up and down underground labyrinth until I finally got to the correct platform for the loop, and then finally got to back to the harbour, the line goes above ground at that point, indeed high above ground, with the highway even further up higher..... so there's the highway, then underneath the rail lines on I think at least two levels.... then shops on the ground level.

And speaking of shops, well I was feeling slightly peckish so I just went to a fish and chip shop in that area near the harbour and under the train lines. There I saw on the menu a pack containing some squid rings and chips, and well thinking like I was back in Perth, I just thought it would be just the little squid rings and a few chips that we would get in any Perth shop, and well that was all that I needed. Being vegetarian I don't usually eat sea foods, but being on vacation I allowed myself more graces, so a few little squid rings wouldn't do me any harm. So I duly ordered such a pack, and was utterly shocked to see the lady put in five HUGE rings, I mean, it was like from a GIANT squid!!!!!! They were so huge it could have easily fit over my hand and up my arms, wearing them like bangles!!!!!! Plus enough chips to feed half of Sydney!!!!! OMG!!!!!! And me who usually eats like a mouse, well I struggled to eat even ONE of the rings let alone all five..... but I couldn't take it back on the plane cos one is forbidden to take food aboard the aircraft, at least on Qantas anyway, it was one of their rules...... so I had to eat it all...... or give to someone else to eat it all........

Last but not least..... the HUGE ferries that seemed more like cruise liners than just the commute ferries...... it makes the Perth ferry look like just a little tin dinghy!!!! In fact they probably could fit a Perth ferry on top of it and use it as a lifeboat!!!!! Well I didn't have time to ride on the ferries, that will have to be on my bucket list for my next visit to Sydney...... and there will be a next visit..... I just LOVE the place SO MUCH!!!!! It is simply just the most AWESOME spot ever!!!!!!

Well all too soon it was time to make my way back to the airport...... and back on the very long 4.5 hours flight all the way back to this lonely little outpost on the west coast that is Perth...... here in this tiny sleepy little village...... well it is compared to Sydney!!!!!!! It's almost like being in another country...... OK I said it!!!!!!!!!...... it's hard to believe we're still part of the same country!!!!!!!...... hence what the two mates at Sydney airport said....... hehehehe....... !!!!!

A lot of pixs but then Sydney is a BIG city !!!!!!