Sunday 31 January 2016

New Zealand and ET's

My trip to New Zealand has been an adventure in more ways than one, and even mystical adventures.....

Within walking distance of our abode in Waikari are the Maori rock art, and so one day we made our way there. Since getting to the rock arts involves a hike up the side of a steep hill, Earth Goddess decided to stay behind cos of knee problems, and so I continued on by my self, first climbing up the side of the steep hill taking in awesome views of the village below and the countryside.

So I finally made it to the top of the hill and the various rock formations around, and a short distance down the other side was this one unique formation, this contained the rock paintings.

Viewing the rock paintings turned out to be a mystical experience. Many of the paintings looks like ETs. Most of the indigenous peoples worldwide have had contact with ETs in the distant past, and much of their artwork including that of our Aborigines reflects their experiences with ETs. And certainly a large proportion of the Maori rock art that I saw did look like ETs, and I sensed an energy about this place, it was like some kind of vortex. Knowing of my connection with ETs including my contacts with them I suppose I should not be surprised at my energy sensitivity in this place.

Then suddenly I was it seems transported to a different dimension. My vision became altered and was it seems suddenly surrounded by bright white lights, everything turned many shades of white, and it felt like my spirit was leaving my body. It was like the vortex opened up and I went through it, and time stood still.......

Once I was back to 3D reality, I continued to explore the other rock formations in the area. Oh yes, me and my love for exploring and climbing over rocks!! I've had a great time!!!

And so that was my New Zealand trip..... I did get an invite back, and I do intend on coming back for the next Convergence festival 2016/17......

Some pixs of the rock art..... you can see some of them looks like ETs.....

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