Sunday 31 January 2016

New Zealand and ET's

My trip to New Zealand has been an adventure in more ways than one, and even mystical adventures.....

Within walking distance of our abode in Waikari are the Maori rock art, and so one day we made our way there. Since getting to the rock arts involves a hike up the side of a steep hill, Earth Goddess decided to stay behind cos of knee problems, and so I continued on by my self, first climbing up the side of the steep hill taking in awesome views of the village below and the countryside.

So I finally made it to the top of the hill and the various rock formations around, and a short distance down the other side was this one unique formation, this contained the rock paintings.

Viewing the rock paintings turned out to be a mystical experience. Many of the paintings looks like ETs. Most of the indigenous peoples worldwide have had contact with ETs in the distant past, and much of their artwork including that of our Aborigines reflects their experiences with ETs. And certainly a large proportion of the Maori rock art that I saw did look like ETs, and I sensed an energy about this place, it was like some kind of vortex. Knowing of my connection with ETs including my contacts with them I suppose I should not be surprised at my energy sensitivity in this place.

Then suddenly I was it seems transported to a different dimension. My vision became altered and was it seems suddenly surrounded by bright white lights, everything turned many shades of white, and it felt like my spirit was leaving my body. It was like the vortex opened up and I went through it, and time stood still.......

Once I was back to 3D reality, I continued to explore the other rock formations in the area. Oh yes, me and my love for exploring and climbing over rocks!! I've had a great time!!!

And so that was my New Zealand trip..... I did get an invite back, and I do intend on coming back for the next Convergence festival 2016/17......

Some pixs of the rock art..... you can see some of them looks like ETs.....

Saturday 23 January 2016

Adventures Ahead But Not Yet

The Convergence Festival in New Zealand has really inspired me. The New Zealand trip is among the best things I done in my life, and Convergence have really inspired me to seek new adventures for 2016. Jupiter is currently in my Sun sign Virgo, the planet which speaks of abundance, conjunct with my natal Uranus the planet of revolution and adventures. The North Node which speaks of our destiny is also currently in Virgo, conjunct with Jupiter. So a big year of destiny ahead for me.

However at this time I am being held back. This is due to my ruling planet Mercury being in retrograde, that is, appears to be moving backwards relative to the Earth. Mercury is named after the Greek messenger God hence is known as the planet of communications and travel. So when it is in retrograde, which happens for three weeks about three times each year, this is when communications and problems associated with travel or commuting, and also with computers, electronics, phones, etc, usually happens. Mercury has been currently in retrograde since my return from New Zealand, so I have been held back much to my frustration. But the Universe has it all in hand, these things happens for a reason......

I relate a story...... on the flight back from New Zealand we landed in Sydney ahead of schedule due to having I think either a jet stream or some upper wind behind our backs in the plane. So Sydney Airport being Sydney Airport being the busiest in Australia (or close to it), there is always a full schedule with planes, and so our arrival gate was still occupied by an aircraft, and so we were destined to be waiting on the tarmac for the next 20 minutes. I was sitting by the window cos with Qantas you can choose where you can sit if you arrive to checkin early enough, one of the many advantages of flying with Qantas as opposed to cheaper airlines. Other advantages includes meals on board, private video screens for each seat, and the ticket price includes baggage and other things which are added on for cheaper airlines. And being in the most isolated city on Earth where every flight is a long flight, from about 4 hours to the east coast to a lot longer than 4 hours to elsewhere on this planet, I insist on these extra advantages, especially me with ADHD (Attention Directed to Higher Dimensions) who gets bored easily and does not travel well unless my mind is occupied. And while we can use our cell phones or tablets on board the flight, it has to be in flight mode, so we can't get online. The meals on board helps to break up the monotony of the flight, having a window seat allows me to look out to see what is going on, and there are many movies, shows, etc, to choose from on the video screen, plus a flight tracker which answers the classic question "Are we there yet!!????"..... as I look at the plane icon very slowly but surely traverse the red line that represents our route, which when from the most isolated city on Earth is always a L-O-O-O-O-O-N-G red line!!!!!! Me who checks every 5 minutes until I finally give up and settle on a movie while waiting to be served dinner or breakfast etc!!!! And you do get a choice of meals, albeit a choice of only two or three but there's always one that suits my taste buds most reasonably. And so the 4 to 4.5 hours from Perth to the east coast ends up going reasonably quickly with all these other distractions!!! I couldn't cope with the cheaper flight with no meals and no private video screens!! It IS worth the extra few dollars in the fares, most which you end up paying anyway with a cheaper airline when you add the extras such as baggage, surcharges, taxes, etc, which are all included in the more expensive fares but still no meals or entertainment!!!!

Anyway..... back at the ranch..... or the seemingly endless wait of 20 minutes on the Sydney tarmac until the previous aircraft clears the gate. Not only I had a windows seat, it happened I was on the side of the aircraft that was facing the gate in question, and I KNEW which gate it was. So I stared intently at the aircraft, watching the crews doing their work as they prepare the aircraft for departure, wishing for them to move at least a little faster!!!! However things at airports are scheduled down to a T in a very Virgo-like manner, and the aircraft was scheduled to depart at a specific time and not a minute sooner. So the crews, etc, were all working exactly to schedule and not going any faster. It's a lot like the movement of the planets, such as with Mercury's retrograde. The planets moves at specific speeds which allows Astronomers to predict the planetary motions down to a T many years in advance. They don't move any quicker, and we cannot make them move any quicker. We just have to be patient in waiting for those planets to move into more favorable formations, just as we had to be patient in the confines of the aircraft to wait until the aircraft in the gate departs as scheduled. And oh what a joy it was when the scheduled time came, and right down to a T, the aircraft departed at the scheduled time, and our aircraft finally began to move towards that gate!!!!! Then I was able to explore Sydney for the first time in my whole entire life!!!!! And so as Mercury is scheduled to move direct again on Tuesday the 26th, I should soon be able to get answers by the end of the week. There are at least three pathways that I could take for 2016, but I need more information before I can decide which of the pathways are open to me. The information will determine which pathways will be closed. But at least one will be opened, and I won't know which one until the information starts flowing again, when Mercury the planet of communications begins to move forward again thus allowing the flow of information to commence again.......

The New Zealand trip was marked by many things I never done before, which sets the stage for 2016. Not all will be divulged here as not all are approved by this 3D society. I have the Uranus Pluto conjunct natal in my Sun sign which speaks of the dark rebellious or revolutionary aspect of my life, why I love to seek new experiences even if not approved by society. But up until now I have been largely held back. However I can share some of the experiences, such as, the trip to the hot springs pools in Hamner, heated naturally from under the Earth. Of course there are no hot springs in Australia, and while I have visited a hot springs site in America there were no pools associated with it. So I was about for the first time be swimming in the hot springs in New Zealand. And silly me didn't bring my swimming togs cos I didn't think I'd need it!!!! I thought it be too cold to be swimming anywhere!! I didn't know about those hot springs pools. And well being an Aquatic Center, well for hygienic reasons, you wouldn't be allowed to enter them if you didn't have the proper swimming attire, and well it's not like Convergence where you could go skinny dipping!!!! So Virgo me was freaking out, until I found out you can actually hire swimming togs at the site!!! Problem solved!!! But next time I WILL bring my swimming togs!!! Anyway there were several pools to choose from. There were the sulphur pools with water straight from Mother Earth, the sulphur is supposed to be good for you, and there were three pools with varying temps from 40 degrees to 42 degrees - a normal hot January day in Perth!!!! So I bathed in all three of the pools. Then there were the other pools with filtered water but still heated by Mother Earth, and many of them were the massage pools with various different massage jets of water. These were most popular, and we bathed on those as well. It was wonderful while being in the pools, but VERY c-c-c-c-cold when walking from one pool to the other!!!

Then the fascinating visit to Fossil Beach, and well it is called Fossil Beach for a reason - there are fossils there!!!!! So we went hunting for fossils and we were actually allowed to keep what we find!!! I mean, if it was in Australia we'd be banned from collecting the fossils, we would have to leave them there, more a case of you can look but don't touch!!! However there in New Zealand it was perfectly legal to collect and TAKE the fossils. I think it is because it was on private property, on the farmlands. The farmer allows public access to the beach via his property, we just have to stick to the track and shut the gates behind us. The rule is, leave the gates as we found it when travelling via private property - leave the gates open if left open, or shut the gate behind us if the gate was shut. So it was a bit of a hike across the farmland, then down a steep cliff side path to the beach. Probably why not many people visits this beach thus there were still plenty of fossils to be found, the fossil deposits protected by the sheet isolation and adventurous trek to get there!!!! It also limits the number of rocks we dare take back, cos we knew we would have to hike UP the cliff face with the rocks then 1/2 mile across the farmlands back to our vehicle!!!! Nevertheless I did manage to bring quite a few rocks back with me, but it turned out I had to leave half of them behind with Earth Goddess at the Waikari property otherwise it would take me over the baggage weight limits. I figure I'd take the rest of them back with me on my next trip to New Zealand!!!!

More adventures to share next time........

Meanwhile pixs of the beach and some of my fossils......

Sunday 17 January 2016


During my New Zealand trip I have done many things I never done before in my life!! Not all I will divulge, but many of them were at this Convergence festival, the hippies festival I attended. Them Kiwis sure know how to have a good time, they leave us conservative Aussies for dead. New Zealand is a far more progressive country. They already legalised gay marriages and prostitution, and are working on legalising weed. Here in Australia we're still fighting over gay marriages, and well don't even think about the other two!!!!

The Convergence festival was very eye opening in many ways. And when something outrageous happens at Convergence, the catch cry is "This is Convergence". For example, when we see someone walking naked through the camp site, or skinny dipping in the river, we simply say "This is Convergence". The "dress optional" clause was very much in evidence, and indeed I also participated - during the warm sunny days!!!! The locals did it even when it was cold and raining!!!! But a frozen Aussie like me, spoiled to the hot sunny days and balmy nights of Perth, was only willing to shed his clothes during the warmer sunny days!!!! But it was a sight to behold during the meal times, when we all sat in groups on the grass, dotted among the more conventionally dressed souls, the groups of nudist sitting totally naked eating, and none of us (except conservative Aussies! LOL!) giving it a second thought!!

A unique Convergence even is the sauna, built into the side of a hill by the river, built from an old boiler container, powered by a pot belly stove. Many of us, including ME, would late at night after all the events visit the sauna where those of us of both genders would sit totally naked together, then at different times go skinny dipping in the river, before going back into the sauna. When I first went in there, I swore black and blue that I would NEVER go into the river, it was far too cold, indeed very icy coming straight from the mountains. So while I was perfectly willing to go into the sauna naked, I drew the line at skinny dipping due to the frigid arctic-like conditions. Even when it was warm during the day, the temperature at night drops like a rock to near freezing point. It doesn't stay balmy like in Perth!! However after a session in the sauna, they did manage to talk me into the skinny dipping, totally naked late at night, and it was surprisingly balmy in the water!! Of course I should know, when the body heats up in the sauna and we are sweating like pigs, the dip in the river is most refreshing and not very cold at all!!!! Then we go for another session in the sauna, followed by another skinny dip, and so one...... a very unique Convergence activity!!!!

Another unique Convergence event which most definitely falls under the "This is Convergence" phrase is the "Yum Yum Session", basically a massage session where we pamper each other. One must register for this event, so daring me with the Uranus Pluto conjunct in my natal chart decided I would sign up for this. Then we are put into groups of five around each massage table, with an even mix of male and females, usually three males and two females, but can be three females. We typically are totally naked though that is not compulsory. We are not forced to do anything, it is what we are most comfortable with. But me and my whole table were totally naked, and the massage is performed totally naked with no sheets covering. We take turns on the table ten minutes at a time. We first set our boundaries, the women typically stated that the pubic region is off limits but enjoyed having their breasts massaged, the guys typically stated NO boundaries, do me ANYWHERE, which is what I said!! And then we enjoy the best massage of our lives, the other four of us pampering us like nothing on Earth. It was a very tantric experience, this was actually a spiritual experience, which is what Convergence is all about.

But aside from the spiritual workshops we also had a lot of fun, such as, the Mocktail Ball, where "mocktails" were served - basically cocktails without the alcohol, since no drugs or alcohol were allowed at the festival. And as part of the Mocktail Ball, we all dress up (or dress DOWN!! LOL!!) and each wearing a "tail". Yes I had my black tail!!! And we just dance all night long, I do love dancing......

This was a very free-loving festival with hugs being given and received freely, and when we say hugs, I am not talking about the usual A-frame affair that lasts for only a few seconds. Instead we give the "Convergence hug", that is, tight full-body hugs that lasts for several minutes. Indeed I was given hugs for up to ten minutes at a time, I think them Kiwi ladies are fond of Aussies! ;) LOL!!!

Another feature of Convergence is we always gather in circles, never in the traditional lecture-audience format where a person at the front lectures in front of an audience. The idea of Convergence is there are no leaders, we all help to run the event, and we all contribute, and all given equal opportunities to speak up at these circle gatherings. This includes the meals gatherings prior to each meal, we gather in a big circle around the meal tables before we get our meals. We bring our own plates and utensils, and are responsible for washing them after the meals.

I must say the Convergence festival has inspired me, and for the first time in a long time, I am actually looking forward to 2016, though my cards does foretell challenging times ahead in 2016. It is already turning out to be a most interesting year, and we're still in the first month!!!

My intention is to return to the 2016/17 Convergence festival........

On a more serious note, yesterday on January 16 was the anniversary of Mother's death. It was now five years ago, and I remember that fateful day like it was yesterday. Happening soon after Chiron the "wounded healer" entered my Ascendant sign, Mother's death marked the start of the years of Hell, culminating in the death of my wife two years later on my Chiron return - when Chiron reached the same spot in the Zodiac as where it was in my natal (birth) chart. And Chiron is still in my Ascendant sign even in 2016, so more challenges ahead, though things are getting better in a lot of ways....... Indeed my astrological chart for 2016 is very interesting indeed, I won't go into it now......

Me dressed for the Mocktail Ball.....

My Tail.......

Wearing My Tail......

My Souvenir ;) 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Back From The Trip Of A Lifetime

The New Zealand trip was the trip of a lifetime, moreso than the 1998 North America trip. During the New Zealand trip I experienced and done many things for the first time in my life, not all that I will divulge here ;) !! Suffice to say, the current Jupiter conjunct with my natal Uranus in my Sun sign certainly lived up to its energies. Jupiter is the expansive planet of prosperity and opportunities, while Uranus is the revolutionary planet that favors new experiences. Uranus is natal in my Sun sign so I always had the tendency to be different and somewhat rebellious, the black sheep of the family, one who is always different. The New Zealand trip was certainly evident of that!!!!!!

This was my first overseas trip and my first trip by plane since my North America trip of 1998, and have noticed changes in the way plane trips are conducted. Back in 1998 I would have to visit a travel agency to book my flights then wait for weeks until the flight tickets arrived by mail. This time the whole thing was done online. All I needed to do was to get on a booking website where I entered my departure and return dates and the destination, and I was presented with a choice of flights, I simply clicked to choose a flight, and then an "e-ticket" was generated which I then printed out - all from the comfort of my living room!! When checking in at the airport, I simply presented the "e-ticket" at the counter. Indeed one could check in online on my computer up to 24 hours prior to the flight, the only reason I didn't do this was cos I had transported my computer and other valuables into my rented secure storage unit since the house would be empty and I didn't like the idea of my computer being in an empty house for over two weeks!!!!

Another thing I noticed is that the passport is no longer stamped, it is simply scanned into a computer. Indeed the process was automatic on my departure from the Sydney international terminal we all go to this machine which scanned our eyes while the passport was slotted into some kind of reader, assumedly to check whether the scanned image of me matches that on my passport. On success of this security check, the gate at the machine opened and I was allowed through to the departure lounge.

As for the flight I am rather fussy in my old age LOL. I will not go for these cheaper airlines which has no meals etc. Also I heard too many horror stories of these cheaper airlines, some being cancelled at the last minute and the hapless traveler being left to fend for himself. I have taken out travel insurance, nevertheless, being a Virgo I expect things to go at least relatively smoothly. So I went with Qantas, which may be a little more expensive, but its the case of you get what you pay for. A reliable airline that rarely experiences cancellations, and meals and drinks on board are included, as well as personal video screens with more than enough selections of movies, TV shows, music, games, and even a flight tracker which tracks the plane's progress over the planet with certain vital stats such as speed, outside temps, and estimated arrival time. OK First Class or Business Class is a little beyond my budget, but Economy class in a decent airline like Qantas is certainly very reasonable and not quite as squeezy these days - or was it that I had lost weight since my 1998 trip where we were packed in like sardines!!!

Also I booked myself long term parking at the airport for the duration of my trip, again all done online, indeed it is cheaper when booking online. I just go to the Airport website, entered my details, paid by Debit\Credit card, and a booking slip was generated which I again printed out. The booking slip contained a bar code which I simply presented to scan into the machine when I arrive at the parking lot, the machine gave me a ticket, and I was let in through the gate. A shuttle bus every 15 minutes took me from the parking lot to the Terminal. So my car was safe and sound in a secured parking lot while I was enjoying my trip. On arrival back from the trip, I go pick up the car, presented the ticket at the automatic exit gate, which then opened up for me, and I was on my way back home.

My flights included the stopover in Sydney, so the leg from Perth to Sydney was classified as a domestic flight so the departure and arrival was at the domestic terminals. Sydney Airport is like Perth Airport, with the domestic and international terminals being located at opposite sides of the airport. However Qantas provides a free shuttle bus service between the terminals. With the cheaper airlines you would have to fend for yourself and use the public transport system or taxis to get from one terminal to the other, another reason why I chose Qantas. You just have to present your boarding pass, and you're on the free shuttle bus which transports us across the tarmac to the other terminal.

The trip to New Zealand included just a short two-hour layover in Sydney, but the return trip involved a 9 hour layover, which provided me with the opportunity to explore Sydney for the first time ever in my life!! Up until now I never been to Sydney before. Such as life in the most isolated city on Earth!!!! The flight from Perth to Sydney took longer than from Sydney to New Zealand!!!! The trip TO New Zealand my checked luggage went all the way, however on the return trip, we needed to collect our checked luggage at Sydney for the customs and security checks, then once we got through that, we simply go to the luggage drop off for the domestic leg back to Perth or where-ever.

Then to begin my hours of exploring Sydney. There was a place at the airport where I could leave my hand luggage for a small fee so I wouldn't need to lug it around with me while I explore Sydney. Then it was the speedy train service into the city in 15 minutes, and exploring the city, before taking the train back to the airport in time for my flight back to the most isolated city on Earth.

New Zealand itself is a most awesome spot, except for the weather!! I am clearly spoiled to the hot sunny days of Perth where it never rains and the nights always balmy in the summer. In New Zealand it rained for half the time, and some days were quite mild but the nights were always very cold, like winter nights in Perth. However such adverse weather conditions was a small price to pay for the most memorable trip ever, indeed this was the trip of a lifetime, so many adventures, very eye opening in many ways. The hippies festival was particularly eye opening and most enjoyable although it rained for three of the six days, with me in a tent!!!!! But New Zealand tents are better designed for wet weather so I still managed to remain dry - if not warm enough!!!! I feel the cold even more since being on my heart meds, I struggled to keep warm enough, nevertheless, I still had a great time.

So now with new optimism for 2016 fuelled by my experiences at the hippies festival, I head on back to work tomorrow, with many stories to share............

My abode during the festival

 My pendant for the festival, each pendant is unique

The river near where we camped....

Our main gathering spot and meals tent at the festival