Sunday 18 October 2015

All Good Things Comes to an end eventually

And in the case of vacation time, the end comes very quickly!! It seems only yesterday when I began my vacation, and now seemingly in a blink of an eye I am back at work. Back to the daily routines from the moment I wake up until I go to bed again, and the weekend routines which mostly revolves around preparing for the next week of work. So much to do and so little time to do it in.

I am on the physio program for another six weeks, this helps to break up the work routines a bit, being at the sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I do rather enjoy these sessions, and being able to add to the weights on the machines every few sessions.

Now my current fitness and recovery regime being back to work. On the non-physio days, three days per week, a bicycle ride to work about 12 kms, and back home again after work. Then on the physio days, Tuesday and Thursdays, a bicycle ride to the bus interchange at the railway station, about 6 kms, then take bus the rest of the way to the hospital for the 1-hour physio session, then the return journey by bus, followed by the bicycle ride back home. Then I just drive into work for the afternoon. And during the weekend I usually ride between 50 and 60 kms on the bicycle.

And so that is about it..... nothing much else happening.... just trying to get used to being back at work now.......

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