Sunday 10 May 2015

The Wounded Healer

This has been a terrible day so this will be a short and not so sweet blog..... the disaster area that is the football and tipping competition. Just a dismal four correct picks, and the catastrophic Friday night match..... and to add insult to injury, the bloody Weevils won, and I did not pick them.... uh well such is life.......

I often refer to "the curse of mother's death" in regards to my football tipping, that is, prior to mother's death I had always won prize money each year in our tipping competition, but since mother's death, I hadn't won any prize money and my ranking seems to be sliding.

Well there is a reason behind this that I discovered in my study of my natal chart. A quick astrology lesson. We traditionally refer to our Sun sign when we identify ourselves with a star sign. I was born when the Sun was in Virgo, hence we say I am a Virgo, so would traditionally read the Virgo entry in any horoscopes. However there is also the Ascendant sign that we all have, the sign that was "rising" above the horizon at the moment of our birth, much like sun rise, and is actually our most important sign. For me this sign is Pisces.

What I discovered in my natal chart, that is, the chart showing the positions of the planets, etc, in the zodiac at the time of my birth, is that Planet Chiron was in Pisces at that time. Chiron is known as the "wounded healer", and to cut a long story short, it explains why I had such a difficult childhood. Chiron being a slow moving planet it spend several years in each sign, and so indeed it turns out that my diagnosis of Autism happened near the end of Chiron's transit in Pisces. Chiron moved out of Pisces in my 5th year of my life, then the 8 years of Hell happened when Chiron was moving through the next sign Aries which is opposite my Moon sign Libra. Interestingly Aries in my chart represents money and material possessions, so with Chiron the "wounded healer" moving through Aries when the abuser came into my life, he helped us with money and possessions but he also abused me badly. The abuser left just after Chiron moved out of Aries. The Xmas from Hell, the "knife incident" and my worse years with Barbara happened when Chiron was in Virgo..... I say no more about that!!!!!

Now Chiron takes about 49 years to travel around the Sun, so it is now back in my Ascendant sign Pisces. And I discovered some interesting "coincidences". Mother's death happened when Chiron entered into Pisces, and my wife's death happened when Chiron was in the same position in Pisces as in my natal chart. Chiron is still moving through Pisces and is due to move out of Pisces at the start of 2018, so a little while yet!!!!!

So the "curse of mother's death" seems to be linked to Chiron's entry in Pisces, the time of mother's death, and so since then while Chiron travels through Pisces I haven't been able to win any money in the football tipping. So  maybe I should wait until Chiron moves out of Pisces in 2018 before joining the tipping competition! LOL!!


Yes indeed.......

My relationships.......

At a govt dept at the govt announcement of cuts in the public sector......

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