Sunday 24 May 2015

Oh what a weekend !!!

Well it is said that during Mercury's retrograde there are often unexplained failures with electronic devices such as phones. Well that is exactly what happened with my phone during my walk last Saturday!!

OK another quick lesson in Astrology. What is meant by a planet going into "retrograde". Well from here on planet Earth the planets usually moves "forward" through the Zodiac as they revolve around the Sun. However at certain times the planets seems to move "backwards" in the sky. This is purely a function of relative orbital velocities when the Earth comes into a certain position relative to the planet in question, much akin to when travelling on the highway, when passing a slower car, the car seems to go "backwards" relative to those in the faster car although we know that both cars are moving forwards relative to the highway. However according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is the relative motions that makes the difference, hence from planet Earth when we see planets moving backwards it does affect the energies involved. Astrology is nothing more than the study of the various energies of the planets and other celestial objects, and how they interact with each other and with us on planet Earth.

Mercury is named after the Greek messenger god, hence the energies associated with Mercury involves communications. Therefore when Mercury goes into retrograde, communications seems to go backwards, we experience more relationship upsets, more arguments, and more problems with communication devices such as phones. Mercury is currently in retrograde, so its no coincidence that my phone had suffered an unexplained hardware failure!! Mercury is my ruling planet, it was also in retrograde when I was born, furthermore it was in my star sign Virgo when I was born, therefore it would affect me more than someone else without such planetary configurations in their natal (birth) chart.

So it was only 10 minutes into my walk when the touch screen on my phone stopped responding, meaning effectively I could not use the phone. Resetting/reboot of the phone did not solve the problem, therefore I deduce the problem to be hardware related. Thus I currently have no phone. My phone is relatively ancient, being approx three years old, and most importantly, my two-year contract on the phone had since expired. This makes the task of acquiring a much overdue new phone much simpler. I already have my account with Telstra with a data plan, so it should be relatively straight forward to simply replace the current now-disfunctional phone with a brand new superior phone. And my own research have worked out that I should be able to get a new phone on a similar plan for only a marginal monthly increase. I already have the phone picked out on the website.

Now it's just a matter of visiting a Telstra shop to effect the changeover and getting a new phone. Here in this sleepy Amish-like city of Perth it is difficult to visit a Telstra shop during opening time while also having to be at work. Visiting during my lunch hour is not an option as this is when everyone else visit the shop, which I found out much to my extreme annoyance back in my days with Sally when she wanted me to visit such a shop - I can't remember why now but something to do with her phone - and the salesman informed me it would be a 90 minute wait before being served, longer than my available lunch hour even in the public service!!!!

However as fate would have it, last week I already booked myself a day off work this coming Wednesday. I had other plans for the day, however, me without a phone is almost as bad as me without a computer, so a visit to the Telstra shop will be my first task for that day, hopefully avoiding the rush when I go in the morning soon after the shop opens.

As for the football..... a mixed result though the curse of Chiron aka the curse of Mother's death is still very much evident. At least the Maggies won, well they were playing Gold Coast so not making a big deal out of it. I do accept reality of the situation, Gold Coast is not exactly crash hot at the moment so the Maggies were expected to win. And I did pick the Bombers. And I extremely grudgingly picked the Weevils, well they were only playing the lowly Saints. How the Weevils managed to get 2nd spot on the ladder is beyond me, I didn't know the umpires could be so easily bribed! OK Mother also said to give credit where credit is due..... and I don't always take her advice..... if the Weevils by some extreme stroke of utter fortune ever manage to make it to top spot we will never hear the end of it here. The only reason why not too much is crowed about the Weevil's unexpected rise to 2nd spot is cos our other local team Fremantle is on TOP of the ladder, and I am kinda glad about that - far better Freo to be on top than those Weevils!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr........

Anyway I did manage five correct picks...... better than some weeks but not as good as other weeks....... Well next week lets hope Geelong will give them Weevils an extremely much needed reality check!!! The Maggies against the Kangaroos, not liking the feeling about that one. The Bombers against comment.... I don't finalise my picks until the Friday prior to the first match ;)

This first cartoon..... um..... yes.... hehe.......

OK why didn't my education work out for me!!!!???????

Yes that would be Heaven indeed..... hehe.......

I love this one..... hehehe.....

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