Saturday 21 February 2015

The Giants

Last weekend was a most memorable weekend. The Giants were in town. Well to explain this, here's one of the vids I shot when I went and saw them in the city....

They were here from Friday to Sunday. I took the day off work on Friday so I could see them. I rode my bicycle to the train station and caught the train into town, then I followed them as they marched through the streets. There were two shows each day but I just went for the morning show. The afternoon show went into the night and I didn't relish the idea of catching trains and riding home in the dark. Here's another shot from Friday, this was when she was on the boat.....

As expected there was a huge crowd. The show began at Langley Park and so was able to follow them around the park. However when they went into the city streets, the crowd all funneled into the street with nowhere to go, so once the giants passed, the crown were all packed into the street like sardines which really slowed the movement down, and was getting further and further behind the giant. So I needed a new strategy. The first side street I came to, I went down there and cut through the back streets to a vantage point along the route, and was far enough ahead to be able to get a good spot. I waited for the giants to pass by, then went up the next side street to another vantage point, and so on until I reached the giant's resting spot where she rested until the next show.

This is the "little" girl resting..... "little" being a relative term !!!!

Then on Saturday I saw the other giant, the diver which was the girl's uncle. The crowd was even bigger, and we all somehow packed into Forrest Chase outside the old Perth station to wait for him to wake up. I got burnt to a crisp for my troubles in spite of me wearing a hat, I think the radiation from the Sun bounced off the pavement. However a few people fainted or gotten sun stroke, the medical post was kept very busy. One guy near me fainted, and it was only a couple of minutes before the paramedics arrived, he turned out to be fine.

After he woke up, I followed him along the route, using the same strategy as before, cutting through back streets to get good vantage points further along. This vid is of him getting a drink, and I gotten drenched in the process!!!

And this is him walking..... see how big he is......

Sunday was the final show, thankfully back at Langley Park. Here the two giants together....

Their final walk around the park.....

The "little" girl waving us goodbye....

And them being loaded onto the boat for their farewell trip down the river.....

I normally don't go to shows on my own but I felt I just had to see them!! They're from France and they toured cities worldwide but it was their first trip to Australia and they actually came to Perth!!!! Indeed Perth was their only visit!! Usually we miss out on top shows like this, they all usually go to the east coast!! But not this time, this was one of the rare occasions that such a great show came to Perth!!!!

We were told about 1.4 million people in total came to see them, that is more than half the population of Perth!! Getting home after the show was a challenge, the trains were packed, but I actually managed to get on a train within 30 mins of arriving at the station, we were just packed like sardines. I usually don't like crowds, but on this occasion it was well worth the suffering. It was just an amazing show, truly once in a lifetime experience, I will not forget for a very long time!!!!!

So yes.... was kept  busy last weekend!!!!..... now back to reality.......

Other things happening.... will share later.....

Sunday 8 February 2015

The rains are gone.... as usual

Well those three days of storms were good.... while it lasted! But now as per usual we're into another long dry spell with no rain in sight. It rarely rains here in summer, that was why last week was so unusual, three days of rain!!

Anyway..... um.... continuing on with my Divine Blueprint online workshop with Celestial Temple and learning more about myself than I even suspected of knowing, and I thought I knew a lot already!! Won't go into much detail yet, still processing much information, I will only say for now these are remarkably synchronistic with what I already knew, and with certain other things that happened to me in the past.

Also I'm using my cards, my Sacred Rebels deck, and these are remarkably accurate, each daily card seems so in synch with the issue of the day. Indeed I ask a question, and the particular card pops out and gives the answer. It is very uncanny!!

Meanwhile back on 3D planet Earth..... school is back, and so things are busy at work. Indeed there is much chaos. Money is indeed the root of all evil. All of the chaos is linked back to govt budget cuts, and it gets worse each year. Many years ago when I first started, there wasn't nearly as much chaos. But each year the chaos increases as the govt makes more budget cuts. And the students are the losers, their studies interrupted. It goes without saying that humans are the only species on planet Earth that actually pays to use its resources. That is why human society is in chaos while all animal societies are in perfect harmony aside from what humans imposes upon them.

What else happening..... my favorite day of the year coming up, Friday the 13th. It is one of my favorite days, a day of good luck for me. But the next day I despise, almost as much as I despise Xmas. That is Valentine's Day, it is so totally over rated, and I so despise the day, it should be banned.

Anyway....... that's my weirdness for another week ot so......

An appropriate vid for Valentine day..... never again..... cos my twin flame is on Taygeta in the Pleiades... um... anyway.... the video....

Sunday 1 February 2015

A rare event in Perth - RAIN !!!!!

Now in the midst of a very rare event here in Perth, what hasn't happened for two months!! We're in the midst of a storm with rain, thunder and lightning - let's hope the power remains on while I am writing this!!

Still suffering from ascension symptoms aka hay fever but slowly getting better. I have been riding my bicycle all week to work, and went for a bicycle ride over the weekend.

I started on the next phase with Celestial Temple, the Divine Blueprint Self Mastery online workshop, which will take me over several weeks. It is meant to give me more details of why I am on this planet!!!

My times on this planet has been very difficult and downright tormenting at times! Having come from the 5D (or higher) realms of Taygeta in the Pleiades, I entered this very dense 3D planet in the Earth year of 1963, the shock of my entry would scar me to this very day. No need to go into details as it is documented already. Many times I had wanted to get off this planet, I tried many times to get off this planet, more times than I care to remember.

Having lost both my Mother and my wife within two years, and coming to the obvious realisation that I am destined to be alone on this planet for the rest of my days here, the desires to get off this planet becomes even more intense at times. I throw myself into my spiritual pursuits, the Celestial Temple, and etc, but the gnawing loneliness is never far from the surface.

However suicide is not good for one's karma. I don't believe the Christian notion that people who commits suicide are going to Hell, we are already in Hell. In Star Seed terms, I often call Planet Earth the 5D version of Hell, it IS Hell for those of us coming from the higher dimensions of the other planets and star systems. But what I DO believe is that if we are to suicide, or to get off this planet by our own means, then we will simply be sent back to this or another dense 3D planet to live our lives all over again, having to face similar challenges, and to learn similar lessons. The lessons will be repeated over as many lifetimes as required until we learn them. This is true for ALL souls on this planet, all human souls have the chance to ascend to the stars but suicide will delay this ascension. So committing suicide will not get me back to my Mother or wife, it will simply have me sent back to this or another 3D planet to live a similar life all over again - and I see that as a fate WORSE than Hell !!!!! This is often enough to prevent me from killing myself.

So now life goes on..... being on this planet..... so I just might as well throw myself into the Celestial Temple and to fulfill my purpose on this planet...... then I can go back to Taygeta and be with my soul mates within my soul group again.......

If enough of us can just imagine..... it will surely come to pass.... it is why we're on this planet for....