Saturday 22 November 2014

So Much Happening.....

Here's brief update .....

The Divine Blueprint ceremony with Celestial Temple. My ceremony was last Wednesday and I took the day off work for it, and well it was utterly awesome!!! It confirmed what I already suspected, that is, during many past lives I worked in various Temples here on Earth and on other planets. I knew for a long time, for a few years, that I was a priest on the ancient continent of Lemuria that used to exist in the Pacific Ocean. It also dawned on me why the Jewish "The Three Weeks" that I always write about in these blogs, it dawned on me why it affects me so much!!!! I was a priest in the Jewish Temple during one of my past lives. It was why I was so drawn to Celestial Temple when I first came across it. The website says it is a Temple site for Star Seeds who worked in Temples during past lives - this I did NOT see on the website until AFTER I joined the site. At long last things are coming together for me. And through the ceremonies and energy downloads at Celestial Temple I have the tools to work with the Lunar and Planetary energies that previously had affected me so much.

I am now back on my bicycle, riding to work each day, and making use of home delivery shopping which FINALLY became available in this Luddite city of Perth!! I order most things online, only that most mail order companies are based on the east coast so it takes up to two weeks for items to get here, well afterall, them carrier pigeons aka Australia Post has to make it all the way across the desert!!! But at least the online groceries are local, and there are even online Organics which I am making use of. I eat Organic where possible, and in any case, I am Vegetarian.

So anyway I had my bike serviced last Wednesday, the same day as my Divine Blueprint ceremony, then from Thursday I start riding to work. It is a challenge to get back on my bike after over five years, different muscles are used bicycle riding to walking!!! And for a city that is supposedly one of the flattest on Earth there sure are a lot of hills!! But with 15 speeds on my bicycle, I get there. Over time those muscles will build up, and soon I be riding as easily as walking. So between travel to work and making use of home delivery and mail order, the only time I really use my car is for going to Friday night meeting with my cousin. I could get my cousin to drive me there but I am a fiercely independent soul, and well, it is better to use the car regularly otherwise the battery would run down. But overall I will save about $50 per week in petrol, so it is akin to getting a $50 per week wage rise.

Now to decide the fate of my car. I just this month paid the rego for the year, so I give myself a year to decide whether to fix the head gasket or just trade in for another car. By then I will know whether I managed to save my pennies. With all the savings from petrol, replacing high interest loans with a lower interest rate credit card, and paying bills yearly where possible instead of six or three monthly, I should be able to really save my pennies. But being realistic, even with these measures, it will be a stretch to save the $4000 or so needed to fix the head gasket. Uh well, just have to see how it all pans out over this next year.

Other news..... Caroline is going through her "dark night of the soul" where due to great suffering she questions her beliefs, traditions, etc.... we all go through this, especially spiritual people. I have been through this hence my Star Seed awakening. I hardly hear from her these days but its OK, this is something she needs to work out on her own.

Friendship with Karen all but over, and with the blown head gasket, any trips to York or elsewhere is out of the question. I hardly hear from her, and I don't think she even goes on FaceBook anymore. She hasn't unfriended me, and I won't unfriend her. My focus is on Celestial Temple, things has improved energetically since joining Celestial Temple, it is just what we Star Seeds needed!!!!

I think that is about it, at least on major issues in my life.........

Now I'm back on my bike, here's the vid for it..... though I am in the wrong city to see bicycle riders like those!!!!!.....

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Car problems.....

I recently started to notice a loss of water in the cooling system of my car. It wasn't a lot and hardly notice it unless travelling down the Freeway or out in the country, nevertheless, it was a concern. So I decided to book my car in for a long overdue service, and indeed today was the day I had the car serviced.

I gotten the shock of my life!! The reason for the leakage in my car's cooling system is a cracked head gasket!!!! I have no idea how that could have happened, but in hindsight I did notice that problems with the cooling system did start to crop up during September, which is a very bad karmic month for me, September is the worst of the karmic months cos it was the month I came onto this very dense 3D planet.

Now to put it simply, cracked heads means $$$$$$$$...... indeed the estimated cost of repairs is comparable to the value of this 10yo car. So will have to decide whether to go ahead with the repairs or cut my losses and trade in for another car.

Meanwhile I will have to drastically cut the use of my car, which means, getting my bicycle serviced, and using home delivery options for groceries, etc - basically what I used to do before my wife got sick. I rode my bicycle to work each day to save on this extremely expensive substance called gasoline, it is extremely expensive in Australia. It was only when my wife got sick that I had to abandon my bicycle cos of greater demands in being carer for wife. But I suppose since she is now in the higher dimensions, its about time to adopt these measures again.

So first priority is to fish my bicycle out from storage, the storage unit that I am renting and currently containing 90% of my wife's worldly possessions as well as a few of my surplus possessions including a 4x6 caged trailer, then to get it serviced as the bicycle had not been used at all for close to 5 years. This will be done in the next week or so.

It is the case of the less I use the car, the less would be the deterioration of the gasket. At this time the water loss is minimal and evident only when I travel on Freeway or out in the country. But the damage will only increase the more I use it. Hence the need to cut down on car usage by at least 90% which is achievable.

This will buy me time to make decisions on which course of action to take on the car, and to save my pennies........

Uhhhh if only my car could achieve such a transformation......

Thursday 6 November 2014

Um.... I guess about time I updated......

Oh it's been a while.... so much has happened that I will probably keep ya up to speed in stages.....

I must say, the Celestial Temple is the best thing ever to happen to me in regards to spirituality. At long last a group that resonates totally with me!!! It is a star seed orientated group. The priestess is a Sirian, that is, the Sirius star system, the same star system as where my puddy cat comes from, and just like me she has also been on Lemuria. But this is literally ET technology, and it DOES work.

Last month I took part in the Solar Eclipse energy transmission ceremony with the Celestial Temple, coinciding with the solar eclipse on 23 October. The eclipse was actually visible in America, but regardless of whether we can actually see it from our spot on the planet, its energies still affects us. This transmission ceremony does work. As I sat by my Pleiadean shrine, I was holding my crystals and they grew hot in my hands, energy was going through me, and then I felt my 3rd eye chakra (the middle of the forehead just above the eyes) throbbing..... and for the next week or so I slept like a log.

Now we doing the Attunement transmission for November. We do these monthly attunements each month designed to address the specific planetary and stellar configurations for the month. So now being November, we doing the attunement for November. There are some very interesting planetary and stellar energies happening this month, I won't bore you with the details, but me being so sensitive to these energies well I have much interest in them. I have always been interested in Astronomy and Astrology from an early age. The two are actually connected. There should not be any separation between them. Anyway, as part of this month's energy transmission, we astral-project ourselves to a particular star in the Sagittarius constellation - oh yes me and my very vivid imagination!!! I do really feel as if I am really there.

Last but not least I booked myself for the Divine Blueprint ceremony with Celestial Temple, it basically address our soul makeup based on our natal chart - the planetary and stellar configs at the time of our birth. So I am getting a personalised energy transmission, with particular crystal grids, and other things based on my own natal chart. What is a "crystal grid" many asks?.... well basically a pattern of crystals and other items designed to harness the energies of the crystals to help deal with the planetary energies. Here's the crystal grid for last month's solar eclipse.....

Anyway there will be my very own personal grid for my natal chart..... and most interestingly, there will be a copy of my "soul song".... hmmmm...... I am very curious about that!!!! I am so excited to be receiving this Divine Blueprint energy.

Other things has been happening...... will share more hopefully on this weekend......

Anyway with all this talk about star seeds, ETs and planetary energies, this is what is likely to happen to me..... hahahaha.......