Thursday 29 May 2014

New Moon and Chaos

Here another New Moon..... always a chaotic time for me.... I always have a hard time with chaotic energies on New Moons, a dark moon, it is a moonless night with no moonlight to soothe me..... I usually experience more paranormal activity on New Moons..... and then the dreaded period of Mercury's retrograde starting about a week from now - interestingly on what would have been Sally's birthday - 5 June!! There are four horror periods during each year - the three times each year when Mercury goes into retrograde, about 3 weeks each time, and then the Jewish 3 weeks of horror in July/August when the Temple was destroyed. However this Mercury's retrograde will be the first time since Caroline came into my life..... I hope nothing goes wrong between us......

The diabolical football tipping.... I gotten 5 correct from 6 but still remains firmly in 33rd spot, that is cos nearly everyone else gotten all 6 correct, and as usual my luck deserted me on the final match..... but at least the Maggies beat those Weevils, that really made my weekend!!!!!

So what else happening..... um.... nothing much really.... one week just goes into another.... it is winter and near to the Solstice which is Yule here in the Southern Hemisphere, when we really should be celebrating Xmas! LOL!.... so the days are very short. It is dark when I leave for work, then after work I go do my walk for about an hour or so, and by the time I get back home it is dark.... so it is dark when I leave home, and dark when I get back home.....

Then on the weekend, mostly Saturday, when I go for early morning walks, I have to go later cos it is too dark early.... so I arrive about 20 mins before sunrise when it just starting to get light.... the sun rises after 7am now, so about 6:45 or so I arrive.... then I walk for about 3 hours, over 20kms.... Also on Sunday unless there is church, they meet just two Sundays per month, and a home group meeting on another Sunday, so that makes three Sundays each month of meetings, leaving one Sunday, sometimes two when there are 5 Sundays.... So on the Sundays when  there is church, I do my walk straight after church.... well I try to anyway.... sometimes I have to go to the shops first which cuts down my walk time.... it gets dark by 5:30pm now.... we through with church by 12:30 to 1:00pm.... so if no shops or errands it gives me about 3 hours or so after I get changed into my walking gear etc plus travel time to walking spot, but if going to shops, it leaves only about two hours for my walk....

I am well established in my mostly organic vegetarian diet, it is so much a habit now, I don't even miss the meat..... well if it was offered to me I'd still eat it, such as on the very rare occasions I am invited to family events.... however when it comes to my own meals, it is all vegetarian.... the next step would be vegan but that won't be for a while yet.... "Vegetarian" is basically no meat products but we still eat other animal products such as diary (made with milk from cow or other critter) and eggs. "Vegan" however is no animal products whatsoever, that is also no diary and no eggs. And then the next step after that is "Rawism", that is, we eat everything raw - well raw vegan - that is, none of the food is cooked. And then ultimately, there are a few who claims they don't eat at all, they get energy just from the sun.... the theory goes that if you look at the sun for a little while near sunrise and sunset, you get enough energy to sustain you without eating..... but that I take with a grain of salt, I am not sure if that is really so...... For the time being I am perfectly happy and content with my vegetarian diet..... and when my vibrational energies reaches a certain point and I feel ready to, I may go vegan, but that won't be for a while yet..... beyond that I am not even thinking about.....

In tandem with my vegetarian diet is organic and non-GMO.... so less convenience foods, less fruit and veges from normal supermarket where chemicals are used.... and well some of it are also GMO, that is, Genetically Modified Organism.... real nasty, or potentially nasty anyway.... basically people playing God in trying to alter what comes naturally..... history shows that each time we try to be "God" then catastrophes always happens..... GMO is a new area so not enough time yet for the side effects to become apparent, but whatever, it is a very bad idea..... So as much as possible I go organic.... I get most of my fruits and veges from the Organics shop, also eggs.... and at the supermarket, there are more and more products that are available as organic.... such as, bread, garlic, some sauces, and etc.... In Australia you have to be certified as organic, you can't label anything "organic" unless actually certified.... so when you see something marked "organic" you can know it is truly organic, that is, no chemicals used whatsoever, including no pesticides, and no GMO whatsoever.....

Anyway I always manage to waffle on about crap even when there is nothing to waffle on about......

This weekend is a holiday weekend in Western Australia..... it used to be called "Foundation Day", it was when this over-rated and isolated little city of Perth was established..... but these days it is called "WA Day", so to make it more inclusive for the indigenous population, which is fair enough......  whatever, it will be the last holiday weekend until September, so best make the most of it.....

Uh yes.... almost forgot to mention.... the strike action that I was talking about last week cos the govt trying to cut down our wage rise.... Well the strike action has been called off. Through our secret ballot, over 70% of us indicated we would go on strike. This made our slimy reptoid premier sit up and take notice, and decided to at least negotiate with us about the wage rise. Previously they weren't going to discuss it with us at all, they just simply decreed that we would get only 2.5%, no ifs, no buts, tough noodles if we don't like it!!!! So now at least they are willing to discuss with us. And so the new possible strike day is 18 June, depending on how these negotiations pans out. The main sticking point is that the govt has now passed laws for forced redundancies, that is basically, we can be sacked if they choose to close down areas, cut jobs, or privatise. Previously we couldn't be sacked, so if our jobs get cut, we simply placed on redeployment on full pay until they find us another job. And so the argument goes that we don't get paid as much as the equivalent jobs in private enterprise but in return we have job security, that is, we can't get sacked, we keep our paid employment regardless of what happens. Now that security is gone, we CAN be sacked if our positions are made redundant. So therefore, our wages should be the same as in private enterprise. It will be a long time before that occurs but it is what we aim for given that we no longer have job security.

Anyway.... what shall I play now.... hmmmm.........

Oh yes some Sarah Brightman whom I love soooooo much from the days of Phantom of the Opera back in the 1980s when she played Christine being the object of the Phantom's desires..... she was also the object of MY desires.... oooohhhhhhh...... and she still looking so good in more recent times..... here performing the song Phantom of the Opera......

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Just another week.....

First the disaster area that is the football.... just three points and now 33rd position. I am almost certain that this will be my last year in the tipping comp, I will not be joining again.... I need to focus on my star seed calling, and sports are 3D. The concept of competition in order to gain supremacy over another is a 3D concept. Those of 5D and higher has no need for such things, we work together for the common good, to harmonise with the universe, there are no competing, no competitions, no sports......

Nevertheless I am bitterly disappointed with the Magpies, to the point that I disown them. They should have beaten the Crows. It was a pitiful display. If I didn't despise the Weevils so much I'd pick them to beat the Magpies. But it is only because I despise the Weevils so much that I will pick the Magpies to beat them. Otherwise I will not pick the Magpies again unless perhaps they play a bottom 4 team.

So what else happening..... nothing much..... situation with Caroline still the same.... now just her daughter is starting to msg me, she is just 14, but she likes me.... which is a good thing, being a potential step-daughter. One's natural children often has resentment towards a step-father, usually preferring their natural father. But in this instance, for both children, the boy who is just six, they despise their father. They are both witnesses to his abuse of their mother, that I know how they feel, myself witnessing Colin abusing Mother to the point of shedding blood. They react towards their father almost exactly how I reacted to Colin, I understand fully.... When the 14yo first started to msg me, she asked me what she can call me? I said anything you wish to, so she calls me Uncle. When they become my step children, well they can still call me as they so please.....

Other things.... job situation still the same.... still at my current house, no eviction notice at this point in time....

And Mars turns direct again after being in retrograde for the past few weeks. This according to the horoscopes means my finances should start to improve. Well it should anyway in spite of the budget cos it is getting near winter. We have been getting enough rain this past month so the need to water the garden is no longer, so my water bill should go way down. My aircon is now in storage, and I do not use heating during winter, except a few mins on the very coldest morning while I get dressed, and a few minutes in the bathroom while I dry myself and get dressed, also during the coldest of days which is only a few days each month of winter. Otherwise I simply don't use the heater, I don't need it. I am warm blooded. Even now when I go for my walks, almost everyone else I see walking even jogging are wearing trackies or some form of warm clothing, while I go just in my shorts and t-shirt and feeling most decidedly warm. This is true even in the morning. It might be different when the temp really drops, down into the single digits Celcius, but even then it won't take me long to warm up so I discard my skivvy and probably still wear shorts. Then if it rains.... well we had been getting rain but it not often that I get rained upon during my walks, it doesn't usually rain much in Perth, just showers, and they often miss us. But the few times it has rained on me, well it is not much, I never take the umbrella, I just let it rain on me, and it passes in a few minutes and so I dry off via my body heat. But yeah, the point I was really making was, I am warm blooded so I don't need the heater, not even at night when it drops down to freezing, I have enough blankets to keep me warm, and I often end up kicking off some of the blankets cos I get too hot in the night while sleeping..... so the electricity bill should go down too, even in spite of the govt increasing the charges. The electricity tariff goes up by about 6% but without the aircon and not using the heater, the overall bill should actually drop. The water and electricity have been my largest expenses over the summer, so perhaps this winter things should improve.... it can't get much worse, especially since my savings are now down to zero zilch zit nyet..... my car is overdue for its six monthly service, and there will always be something else that will need to be done, but it will have to wait a bit.....

As for the budget..... the federal budget pretty well doesn't affect me except with the petrol with the fuel taxes going up. I may have to get my bicycle fixed so I can start riding to work again, and being about six miles each way, it will cut out the need for my walks after work, the bicycle trips would count as my workouts. But I still be walking on the weekends as I do enjoy walking. But firstly need to raise the capital for getting my bicycle fixed, will just need a service, it has been not used for several years since Sally started to get sick, and is currently in storage. So it be a little while before this happens, but it will save on petrol, as most of my petrol expenses is in going to and from work.

As for the state budget, well the effects are more far reaching. Both water and electricity are going up, but my reduced uses of both services over the winter months should result in a net decrease in both expenses. The car rego also goes up, that can't be avoided. And the land tax will go up, which will in time translate to my rent increasing - assuming I don't get evicted. But according to my cousin who I go to church with, if I do get evicted I will have somewhere to stay - the Dawes-Smith family. They have four bedrooms. One occupied by Marlene and Frank, then one by my cousin Lucinda, one by Lucinda's 3yo kid, which leaves one for me. Then I soon save my pennies to find an apartment. So whatever I won't be left to fend for myself on the streets.

Then my work situation.... we with the union are fighting for a more decent wage rise than the pitiful amount that the govt is offering. We had a ballot for strike action, and I for one voted for to go on strike for a day. The results are in, I think over 70% of us voted for a strike. So I think strike action is set for next Wednesday. It may mean my pay will be docked for a day's wages, it depends if my pay master also belongs to the union. My manager actually belongs to the union. The last time we went on strike my pay didn't get docked. However, there has been times in the past when my pay has been docked for strike action. So I am preparing for that, for my pay to be docked, and well if it turns out it doesn't get docked, that will be a bonus. However currently sitting in storage I have a trailer load of coke cans all waiting to be taken to a recycle depot for $$$$s, so I probably use the strike day to do that, get all those cans cashed in, that will help offset the loss of a day's wages, it won't completely cover it, but it will go a significant way towards it. Nowadays I no longer collect cans as my coke consumption has gone way down. My collection of cans are legacy of the days when I would drink up to five cans in a day, and Sally would help me out, she would sometimes drink even more. However these days I only drink just one can per day, perhaps two on the weekend, so it is no longer viable to save the cans, it will just take too long.... the council recycles them when they get collected on trash collection day.

So that is about it for another week......

Here's another random song from the ancient archives of my past......

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Not So Depressive....

Well I did do a little better in the football.... still managed only 5 points but there were only 6 matches, the one I missed was the first one. There were no close matches, that is, decided by 6 points or less, therefore no change to the statistics of the curse of the close matches. And my rankings rose to the dizzying heights of 30th from a field of 46.

I did survive Mother's Day relatively unscathed compared to past years thanks to Caroline. There was no family gatherings, or at least I didn't get any invites to them. Also no church gatherings, the home group meeting was shifted to the 4th Sunday assumedly because of Mother's Day. This suited me fine cos I was really in no mood for any social event of any kind.....

So I embarked on what turned out to be my longest walk thus far. A long walk was planned as I tend to do on potentially depressive days, but didn't quite expect to walk THAT far!! As I do on these short winter days I wake up in the dark before dawn, and arrive at my walk location before sunrise. This time the river foreshore at Burswood near the casino and hotel complex. From there I follow the foreshore around to South Perth then to King's Park, a walk through King's Park to the University, then back to the foreshore, following it around Crawley and Dalkeith, finally to Claremont. Then catch the train back from Claremont. Catching the train is really easy. Trains runs every 15 minutes even on Sundays. And I have my Smart Rider card, so I simply "tag on" at the start of my journey, and then "tag off" at the end of the journey which then calculates and deduct the fare, and can change trains if necessary without needing to "tag off" then "tag on". Furthermore I have it set to "autoload" so when the card balance falls below a certain amount, it is automatically topped up from my credit card. When set to autoload I get a 25% discount on the fare.

Anyway, the distance between my car at Burswood and Claremont Station according to my GPS was a little over 23kms, and there were no solar flares for a change, so it was the true distance. 23kms is my new record of how far I actually walked. So once on the train, I could get off at Burswood Station, however, the energies at that station is very chaotic, the vibes not good at all. That station has one of the highest crime rate of any station along any lines except Midland and Armadale. So I avoid that station, I get off at the station before, McIver Station, still not the best vibes but way better than Burswood. So it was another 4km walk from McIver back to my car, making it a total of 27kms for the day, by far the longest walk on record.

I was back at lunchtime, and after lunch  tackled the weed patch that is my back lawn. I mowed the weeds.... I mean.... the "lawn".... cut the edges with my electric snipper, sweep the paths and well pretty well it. Then it was dinner time..... and was pretty well exhausted by then.... and so that was my Sunday... hardly a thought for Mother's Day...... Keeping myself busy and chatting to Caroline are my tonics for any potential depressive moments.

Other things..... well it seems Caroline is finally considering the option of divorce from that monster calling himself her "husband". His abuse is so horrific it makes Colin seems positively like an angel by comparison!! Her brother had a talk with her urging her to get a divorce. Her brother is also a devout Christian, attends church regularly, indeed also a revival church. I do chat with him on occasions, and he approves of my relationship with his sister. He is worried about her and happy with me. Indeed during times when Caroline cannot contact me due to the antics of her "husband", her brother does keep me informed on developments. So it is significant that he advocates for the divorce to happen. I don't think Caroline is quite convinced yet, for there are a few at the church against the idea of divorce but there is hope.......

Anyway.... nothing much else is happening at this time..... I don't think......

Whatever I want...... oh I wish !!!!!!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Oh the rain!!

It has been a rainy couple of days..... well rainy by our standards anyway!! Indeed for the first time I actually walked in the rain..... without the umbrella.... it is not cold, still rather warm, but was raining, not heavy rain, but rain nonetheless.... and I sleep better when it is raining at night....

Now let's get out the way the disaster area that is the football.... managed 6 points, everyone from 7 to 9 points.... so now down to position 44, just 4 from the bottom..... and the curse of the close matches continues on..... there has been two close matches, that is decided by 6 points or less, I managed to win one but missed the other one, so total tally so far this season on close matches - 2 wins and 4 misses, so only a 33% success rate, below the normal expected deviation from 50/50, so proof that the curse is real..... anyway enough of football before it depresses me too much.....

Now less depressive topics...... Caroline.... um yes she is in everything with me.... we share so much..... synchronicities..... it turned out she got married during July 1998, right in the midst of my America trip, but also during the dreaded "The Three Weeks" when calamities befalls the Jews.... well she is very obviously not Jewish..... well maybe not so obvious.... there are black Jews around, and there is a legend that some had traveled to India just after the time of Jesus and wrote one of the "gospels", one of many that didn't make it into the canon of Scriptures at the Nicene Council which is the basis of the modern Bible.... but anyway..... if nothing else this proves her connection with me.....

So what else.... uh yes last weekend..... remember that ritual I shared about last week..... for the Venus Goddess so to grant me my most cherished dream..... no prize for guessing that that would be..... well I did it last Saturday.... I woke up early but instead of going for a walk, I started the ritual.... with the bread roll, 5c coin, piece of paper with my wish, and a candle.... and as the candle burned I did things that made me feel good.... ate one of my Easter candy... I even went to Hungry Jacks and got breakfast which is something I just don't usually do these days.... and other things.....

Then I drove down to the Dwellingup area, about a 90 minutes drive, to find that fresh water stream to release the bun. I remember the area from those years of going camping with Every Boy's Rally back in my childhood years, and so I had it all planned from Googlemaps, and I remembered all those camping spots, so would go to one of them for the ritual.

Alas!!! When I got there, I discovered that they turned it into a national park where you needed to pay to get in! Well that was fair enough, I had money with me..... but one niggly detail.... for some reason it was CLOSED for the day, the gate was down, could not get in!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!!!! Back in my camping days there was no controls, we could just wander on down and set up camp pretty well where ever took our fancy, no fees, no gates, nothing..... just occasionally the ranger pays us a visit to make sure we clean up after we camped, but aside from that, no real controls..... Oh how time's had changed!!! Damned Government!!!!

Hmmmm..... where can I go now...... for a while things looked really grim.... it looked like I would not be able to get to the river therefore could not complete the ritual..... But fortunately I remembered about other spots where we camped around the area..... So I headed back into town, studied a map in the Information Bay near the highway, and figured out another spot I could go to by the river..... and hoping it was still free access or at least OPEN access......

Well much to my utter delight, not only this particular spot was still open and accessible, it was also FREE..... and it turned out I was the only soul there.... and there I released the bun into the stream.... then it got stuck against some debris..... so I had to go down a bit to clear the debris..... releasing the bun, which promptly broke into three pieces due to it now being soaked and soggy..... two of it made it to the pool below the rapids where it slowly drifted on down.... but the other piece got caught in an eddy, so I needed to throw pebbles at it until that finally drifted off into the pool..... and so when all three pieces were finally drifting downstream, I declared my mission accomplished...... Now remains to be seen if anything happens over the next few months......

Now Mother's Day this Sunday..... looking forward to the day.... NOT!!!! Well I have just been told that the house group meeting via the church has now been shifted to the 4th Sunday of this month, so nothing on for me this Sunday - unless I happen to get a family invite which hasn't happened at this stage. So I cope alone and go for long walk....

So for vids with Mother's themes..... I won't play any of the usual songs that are played in tribute to Mothers, it just makes me more depressed..... so here's one by ABBA.... somewhat of a lighter theme.... and it is not Mamma Mia !!