Tuesday 10 September 2013

Soon the holidays but no holiday for me

Just another day before I go on leave this Thursday just in time for Yom Kippur on Saturday then Succot from next Thursday on the Full Moon. In years gone by before Sally got sick we would go on vacation each year for the eight days of Succot, to spend the time away from home as the holiday commemorate the Jews' trek through the wilderness when they were away from their homes and living in temporary accommodations - the English name for the holiday is "Festival of Booths", and the Jews celebrate it by building wooden booths and spending time in there, having meals and even sleeping in them if the weather permits. Anyway, Succot in 2009 was our last ever vacation, it was when we went to Exmouth and went whale watching - one of my favorite past times. Whales and dolphins are my star kins from Sirius and the Pleiades, and I feel a connection with them. Exmouth also has the tallest communication towers in the southern hemisphere, what I call the UFO towers, I won't go into why.... but anyway Exmouth was it turned out our last ever vacation with Sally..... in 2010 we didn't go anywhere mainly cos Mother was so close to death and we didn't expect her to make it to Xmas. Of course she did make it to Xmas only to pass away the following January. Then 2011 Sally's health took that nasty turn, and so no more vacation during 2011 and 2012 for obvious reasons. And this year the focus will be on moving house..... I need to save my pennies for that possible end so no vacations this year, not that I'd wanna go on my own anyway, though I may consider it, I seem destined to be on my own for a while yet...... that is another story altogether.

So anyway, the Valuer pays me a visit this Thursday, the first day of my holidays, but he is coming early in the morning and expected to spend less than 30 minutes, leaving the rest of the day to me. I plan to finally take back the equipment to the hospital - the shower chair, the commode, and the walker frame. The hospital has been wanting them back for a while, but the opening hours of the equipment section coincides with my work hours, so had no opportunity to take them back. So this Thursday will be it, and it will get them out of the house so to better prepare for the move. The only other item will then be the recliner chair but it is too big to fit into the car, so the hospital will have to arrange to send a truck to come pick it up, and since I will be on leave for three weeks, that should not be a problem. Being close to 1.5 metres wide it is a huge chair that takes up a lot of space in the living room, so to have that gotten rid of will be most helpful in getting myself organised for the move. So that will be the focus for this Thursday will be to get the hospital equipment returned, and I am sure they will be most happy to have them back after all this time!!!!

Then for the rest of the holidays, my goal is to get the trailer repaired and the shower screen put back together again. On most of the remaining days I will spend the first couple of hours on a yard or house duty, to get this place cleaned up and in order a little bit at a time to avoid any last minute rush. Us Virgos like to be well prepared for any possible eventualities! ;) My goal is by the end of the holidays the house and garden will be ready for that final inspection. Since I am back at work on 3 October, this still potentially leaves it another month before I will have to move out, and more than likely will not have received any official notice as the landlord legally needs only to give a 3-weeks notice. My Virgo tendencies however ensures I will be far more prepared so not quite so stressed. By then all I would need to do is get a loan to cover the bond and advance rent payment, rent some storage space, and find an apartment. The latter will be the most difficult and stressful in the midst of this housing crisis.

It happens that I already begun on my tasks. Last Sunday I spent much of the day on the first of the chores. I steam mopped the bathroom floor, cleaned the windows in the living room and kitchen/dinning, and gave the oven its first clean in two years!! I went through two cans of oven cleaner in the process, but due to my Virgo tendency for perfection the oven is almost like new again. It will need another clean just before I move out but it won't nearly be such hard work!! In regards to cleaning the windows I discovered that the sliding windows can be removed, indeed very easily removed!! That is a scary thought!! If I can easily remove them, then so can any teen no-hoper intent on breaking into the house!! Of course it is those flimsy aluminium windows that is very common. Fortunately we have the security grilles in front of those windows, which was why I needed to remove them in the first place. But nearly all of the apartments I looked at so far has no security grilles. I will have to deal with that problem when the time comes. Anyway suffice to say for now, the living room and kitchen/dinning windows are now like new. I also swept the back porch and pavement areas. So made a pretty good start to my preparations.

Other news..... I am finally over my cold/flu *touch wood* but will keep up with my diet of a serve of garlic potatoes each day, which in time will be replaced on occasions by garlic bread, or whatever else has garlic in it. I do not want to go through this ever again!!!! I get too depressed and suicidal when sick!!

And last Saturday I went for my walk, this time down at Serpentine Dam, my first trip there in several years. Now that I visited all of the major dams in the hills, I am not sure where my next walk will be. I will decide closer to the weekend. It will depend on the weather, with storms expected later this week.

Now for a random song..... another of my favorite from the 1970s..... before there was such a nasty critter as political correctness.... hehe... haha..... enjoy!!!!!

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