Thursday 5 September 2013

Shana Tova

Today 5 Sept was Rosh HaShanah the Jewish New Year, and we traditionally greet each other "Shana Tova" which means wishes for a "good year", this as distinct from a "happy year". To wish one a "good year" is wishing one to fulfil one's purpose in the universe even if the journey is not always paved in happiness. Nevertheless one must realise that there is order and chaos in the universe and our purpose are not always fulfilled. Whatever remains unfulfilled within a current lifetime will be revisited in a future lifetime. My journey into the unknown continues.......

I have been off work today for Rosh HaShanah. I am back at work tomorrow, but I will be off work again for about three weeks from 12 September, taking in the rest of the Jewish holidays - either my ancestry through Mother, or my incarnations - I am tending towards the latter, incarnated from a past life as a Jew.

Things it seems are moving quickly with my apparent impending move from this house. I will indeed be receiving a visit from a Valuer next week, 12 September to be exact, which happens to be the first day of my leave. Thankfully he is coming early in the morning and expected to be here for less than 30 minutes, so it leaves me the rest of the day to ponder on the implications of this.

I have spent about 11 years in this same locality living in three different houses, the 1st for only 6 months, the one across the road for 7 years, then the house next door - my current house - for nearly 3 years. All this is on a hill and at the top of the hill is a park, and prior to Mother's death I'd go to this park where I communicate telepathically with my ET star kins, usually in the ship above but occasionally they'd land - usually tall slender blue beings, the Pleiadeans. I do see them and I am not on any drugs!! LOL!! However since Mother's death I hadn't been to this park, mostly due to Sally's health afflictions and me being virtually a full time carer nurse, no energy remaining for any other pursuits. It makes me wonder if there was a purpose in this. Not all things happens for a purpose, there is order and chaos in the universe, and sometimes things happens just as manifestation of this chaos. Sally's afflictions being I believe a case in point. Sally had often talk about purposes in her life, albeit from a Christian viewpoint, but it was how she understood it. Very obviously her purposes were not fulfilled. This having been said, there has been some order in the midst of chaos. Sally's hospital admissions and discharges from Charlie Gardiners has always been within a day of either a New Moon or Full Moon peak, and her death occurred within hours of the Full Moon peak. Meanwhile during my absence from the park, the park had been somewhat redeveloped with a playground now built at the spot where I used to meet my star kins!! It seems the Rockingham area is my most likely destination for my next abode, so likely I be close to the beach, the perfect spot for ET meetings. Of course I learned a long time ago not to presume on my future, there is likely to be more twists and turns in the next two months, and I may probably end up in the most unlikely of spots!!

Now two things of next priority that must happen to get myself ready for the move - having the shower put back together, and getting the trailer fixed.

The shower.... just before Sally's death we had gotten permission from the landlord to dismantle the shower screens and doors so that Sally could use it with her mobility aids. Then the hospital tradies came and dismantled the shower screen and installed the curtain rod. Tragically Sally never gotten to use the shower, and now it is left for me to have the shower put back together again. I have to source a tradie to do the job without being ripped off, but I do have help, Sylvia who does have contacts.

The trailer.... I have a 4x6 trailer with the metre high steel walls all around, perfect for moving my furniture when the time comes to move out. But just one niggly problem.... the electrics are out of action, none of the lights works. This was to be attended to a couple of years ago, but Sally's sickness gotten in the way, so like everything else in my life, this was put on hold. The quoted repair bill at the time was $250 which included the trailer being picked up on a truck. But with inflation I imagine by now it be closer to $300 but still much cheaper than hiring a removalist company. My goal is to get these two things attended to during my holidays. Then I be more or less set to move out......

The Federal Elections this weekend..... and we face the terrifying prospect of a devout Roman Catholic leading this country, it will be worse than having George Bush as President. When religion gets in the way catastrophe always follows, Hitler is proof of that, he belonged to the same religion as our likely next Prime Minister. We brace for what may lie ahead. I already done my bit to try make sure this doesn't happen. We used the postal vote option for the past few years due to Sally's health issue. This time I went for the postal vote option as usual, this time citing "religious" reasons though in reality it has nothing to do with "religion" but my Jewish incarnation - not wishing to vote on the Sabbath. It is said that "religious" people are afraid of going to hell, but "spiritual" people have already been to hell. I am of the latter, the 8 years of hell being the Colin years, the hell years of 1994/5, and the years since Mother's death being cases in point. There is no hell except on earth. I am definitely not religious but I do like to follow some Jewish traditions.

Alas I hit a snag..... i forgotten that I need a bloody witness for the ballot paper signature for the postal vote. Previously Sally and I simply witnessed each other. But that option is no longer available. Now WHY one needs a witness to a signature is utterly beyond me. But as I always said, the law exists for one of three reasons - for the benefit of the govt, banks, or big business - and often more than one of these. And postal votes are a pain in the arse for politicians when they want to know as soon as possible whether they won their seats, since the postal votes often arrives into the following week. So they want to make that option as inconvenient as possible to weed out all those but ones who really needs that option. I chose the other option, early voting. So after work last Wednesday I fronted up at our early voting center, and it was a breeze, I didn't even have to give a reason for the early voting, they just handed me the ballot papers after giving my name, and I did my bit as seemingly futile it is destined to be.

One advantage of early voting is you're not bugged by party volunteers handing out how-to-vote cards. I don't follow them anyway, I have my own rules when it comes to voting. The Senate vote is easy enough, I vote the Greens. I have no time for the major parties, all they care about is money. The Greens have better priorities, there are more important things in life than money and budget surpluses. For the Rep vote I follow these simple rules, the top vote goes to the Greens, followed by non-Christian minor parties and independents in order from "left" viewpoints to "right", then the two major parties, Labor before Liberals, then the Christian parties last. This is a secular democracy not a theocracy. With Abbot seemingly destined to win, a Greens balance of power may be the only thing preventing Australia from becoming a virtual theocracy!!

Now if Alice Cooper was to run in the election..... imagine having him as Prime Minister..... wow!!!!!

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