Sunday 22 September 2013

My "vacation" continues.....

Sunday evening.... and we met at Pasco's place, Mother's old abode, for afternoon tea for both my birthday and for Pasco just returning from his 3-weeks trip to Thailand. I gotten another model building kit of a space craft for my birthday, this an interplanetary ship. I'm hoping to find a kit that looks just like my ship, you know, the ship of my star kins that I have seen on occasion, a few of my many UFO sightings..... but anyway, am pleased with this one nonetheless. A pix of the kit is on my Instagram account @Gariga888, indeed my daily musings are on my Twitter @Gariga which I often link to Instagram, I also talk about my walks, as well as the lunar phases, solar activity on the Sun and Astrology, as well as my more mundane and boring aspects of my day to day life.

It was just a small group of us at Pasco's, including his sister Teresa, and then Debra & Linda, and of course Justin and Mandy. We watching our local WAFL Grand Final with East Perth against West Perth, and West ended up winning the Premiership. I probably have better luck following the WAFL competition though my local team the Demons didn't do too well either..... Then snacks and the obligatory birthday cake, chocolate of course.... my 2nd birthday cake.

Then we went to see Justin and Mandy's new house, still in the process of being built but is almost finished, indeed they are in the "lockup" phases, that is, the house itself is basically finished and secured, but just now needing to do the interior, the flooring, carpets, etc. I knew they were building a house courtesy of help from Pasco and originally Mother, but this is the first time I actually saw it, and OMG very impressive and absolutely huge!!! About the same size as the bottom level of Pasco's house, but only a single storey nevertheless utterly huge!! It is indeed a luxury house with mod cons that I didn't even knew existed!! And it is so big that there is even a room for Mandy's Salon business, she works as a mobile Salon, visiting people to do their hair, but in this new house she will have a base of operations!! This house is a legacy of Justin's privileged situation compared to mine. Life did get better when Mother met Pasco and got married, but while I grew up in hell and poverty, Justin was born into this privileged life, he never had to experience the hell and poverty that I did. And the house does go to show that if you are born into basically a more privileged life then you are basically set for life. Pasco works as a house supervisor, and he is supervising the building of Justin's house, and of course working in the industry does have its perks - in the same way that the Kardinya house, that is Mother's old house, was able to be built for far cheaper back in the 1980's - and back then the house was the most modern with very modern mod-cons for the 1980's. When I moved into the Kardinya house from our old Wilson abode in the housing estate, it was like moving into Buckingham Palace!!! But in comparison to the Kardinya house, Justin's house seems more like the Gina Rhinehart's residence!! And in addition to the help courtesy of Pasco's housing company, Justin also had help from Pasco and Mother in securing the loan to pay for the house and land.

So while Justin and Mandy are being set up for life in the lap of luxury thanks to his privileged beginnings, Debra and Linda are also doing very well for themselves in the housing stakes. Today prior to visiting Justin's new house, Debra showed us the plans for their new abode in Yokine - not far from where I live. Their new house is not quite as luxurious as Justin's, nevertheless Debra and Linda are being set up for life thanks to the housing crisis. They both have jobs so can pool in resources for the housing loan, they bought a land in Yokine, it already has an old house on it, but had recently won council approval to knock down the house and build TWO homes on the land, both 3-bedroom abodes. They will live in one of them, the front one, and the other one they will rent out. And due to the housing crisis they can justifiably rent out the 2nd new house at the rear of their property for $600/wk!! That will pretty well pay for the loan repayments.

As for me..... well no such luck for me.... who it seems is about to evicted from my current rental, and destined to live a nomadic lifestyle in relatively "cheap" apartment units - "cheap" in this housing crisis meaning between $260/wk to $300/wk - just for one-bedroom apartments out in the boonies!!! My spirit name is "Wandering Wolf" so indeed I am destined to be a wanderer, never to have a home to call my own, but to be wandering from place to place, a nomad, indeed a vagabond, ever at the mercy of the whims of landlords and other beneficiaries. Indeed I am the black sheep of my earth family, I always have been, and I always will be - as far as Mother's side of the family anyway.

And speaking of preparing for the move out of this house, my plans for cleaning the house is pretty well on track. I have now done four windows of venetian blinds leaving just one window to do, that I will probably do tomorrow. Then to tackle the kitchen and bathroom cupboards. The kitchen cupboards are already empty, the contents now in a couple of boxes and will probably stay in them - not much point in putting them back in the cupboards if I am going to move out in as little as six weeks!!! So will tackle the cockroach stains in the cupboards, but with my steam cleaner it is expected to be much easier. After that the carpets, and that will pretty well take care of the bulk of the cleaning, leaving only a few smaller jobs and maintenance until the time comes for the eviction.

Thanks to this winter weather the garden and yard is more of a battle. With limited opportunities to mow the lawns due to the weather, the weeds are growing faster than I can keep up with. And since it has been raining every day for now over three weeks with no end in sight, I cannot apply weed killers to the pavement and path areas. The weed killer needs 24 hours without rain for it to be effective, and for over three weeks we have NOT had a 24-hour period without rain. The longest we went without rain would be half a day - eg a clear morning followed by rain in the afternoon, or clear night followed by rain the next morning!! This weather is utterly amazing if somewhat annoying!!! I don't ever remember it being this much rain for a very long time. Well I did complain through Winter that it never rains!!! I guess it's the case of be careful what you wish for!!!! I am almost expecting to see an old man building a large boat somewhere ready to take in the animals two by two!!!!!

This week is my last full week of vacation, so I will arrange to get the trailer fixed. I will need the trailer for moving my belongings when the time to move comes. The lights are not working. So will arrange for someone to come to the house to fix the trailer. The funds are in place, now just need someone to come and do the repairs. Then this will be a major step in being more prepared for moving out.

Anyway..... other things..... last Saturday morning was one such occasion when it didn't rain, indeed the Sun came out for more than a few minutes, so I took the opportunity to go for my walk. This time I went to Perry Lakes, and I discovered Bold Park across the way, so from Perry Lakes I walked on into Bold Park!!! And what a gem I discovered!!!! It has been said that Bold Park is bigger than the more famous King's Park, and indeed it is so. It is one of Perth's hidden jewels. Everyone knows about King's Park, but knowledge of Bold Park is less common!!! It is absolutely huge!!! And it is almost completely natural bush criss crossed with many many miles of walking tracks!! King's Park has a significant portion that is developed, with large area of man-made parklands, lawns, etc..... but Bold Park is almost completely undeveloped. Once I wandered into Bold Park it was as if I am out in the country among bushland!! It is also hilly, and I love my hills. There is indeed a lookout on one of the high hills but I haven't yet walked to the lookout. As well as being bigger than King's Park, the highest of the hills are higher than Mt Eliza upon which King's Park is situated. But the park is so large with so many walk trails that I could go there for the next ten walks and go somewhere different each time!!! And this is exactly what I am going to do..... the next several walks will be in Bold Park. It is also close to the ocean with only a highway separating the western edge of the park from the beach, so if I walked far enough into the park, I'd be able to at least look at the ocean. I had entered the park from the eastern side, and didn't yet walk to the other side. But yes it is indeed a jewel near the center of Perth. And as much of a secret jewel as it is, there were still more the enough other people who knows about this, with every car park on the outskirts of the park being almost full with cars, but such as the size of the park that during my walk through there I would not have met more than five other different walking groups - from singles to groups up to four people!!

As for my birthday, that was last Friday, and well it was just another day. Cleaned one more of the venetian blinds, went to the shops, to the mailbox to check my mail, and had a chocolate birthday cake delivered to me courtesy of Barbara who ordered it from Tasmania!! So this with today's cake makes it two yummy mud chocolate cakes!! Chocolate is indeed the way to my heart ;) But I am more than satisfied with my birthday haul - the model building kit of an interplanetary space craft and a total of $200 which will be very helpful in my preparation for the possible moving out of this house.

Last but not least, speaking of the possible move, my landlord did pay me a visit last Thursday. He didn't give much away in regards to my possible eviction, he just gave me the change of banking details in which the rent is to be paid into. It was previously paid into the owners' bank account, but since they passed away (hence the apparent plan to sell the house), the account was closed down, so now needs to be paid into the landlord's account, that just a matter of going onto my account website and changing the details for the automatic payment. Thankfully the landlord seems pleased with my cleaning efforts - I should bloody think so!!!!!! The last significant thing he said was..... my lease ends in November, and then he will "talk to me" about the lease when it ends...... hmmmmm not much of a shrink, so take that statement as you will..... but given that he has to by law give at least three weeks' notice, I may hopefully be able to stay here for at least that much longer...... it does seem that he won't just suddenly hand me the notice, he will "talk to me" beforehand - hopefully may mean I can get a few more weeks tenancy out of him giving me that vital extra time before I have to move out!! But as Virgo as I am, I am nevertheless preparing for this impending move, even if by some slim chance the move may not happen just yet.

Now currently watching the Grand Prix and it looks like Vettel will win yet again, he is an absolute legend..... I wonder if he listened to Suzi Quatro back in his childhood.... LOL.... down the Devil's Gate drive!!!! haha!!!.....

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