Sunday 28 October 2018

Chiron's Last Journey Into My 1st House

A couple of weeks ago Chiron currently in retrograde currently moved back into my 1st House for the last time during my current lifetime. Chiron will be in my 1st House, Pisces my Ascendant sign, until early 2019..... then it will finally move out of Pisces not to return for about another 50 years, I will certainly be off this planet long before then. My birth chart as regular readers of this blog will know shows Chiron in my 1st House, and 50 years later on my Chiron return, Mother's death happened near the time of Chiron's entry into my 1st House, my Wife's death happened on my Chiron return, when Chiron in retrograde was at 11 degrees of Pisces, where it was located in my birth chart. And Step-Father's death, Mother's 2nd husband, happened more recently on Chiron's exit from Pisces. Since then, Chiron had turned retrograde, and is now back in Pisces and my 1st House.

The legend of Chiron the wounded healer...... Chiron is a Centaur, a horse with a human upper body and head, and typically has a bow and arrow for hunting. During one fateful day back in the mythological past, Chiron was caught in a cross fire between a fight with two other Centaurs, and was accidentally wounded by an arrow shot in anger intended for the other Centaur. Unfortunately the arrow was cursed so that any wound from the arrow would never be healed. So Chiron spent the rest of his days trying out every healing modality that he knew about, that was available, but all to no avail. The wound would never heal. However he became really good at a large variety of healing modalities, so he became a prolific healer, he was able to heal every other creature who came to him for healing, but was unable to heal himself...... Hence the name, Chiron the Wounded Healer.

Enter the drastic changes in my life in these last two weeks, just after Chiron had re-entered my 1st House in Pisces. Two weeks ago I had received an invite to "Open House Week" at one of the groups that I had been involved it, they have a centre in the northern suburbs. I had been there for the DNA Activation sessions and sometimes for meditation. They have a whole load of other modalities available, but with each costing $$'s for each session, I was hesitant to spending too much money especially when needing to save more pennies for my upcoming America trip.

Enter the Open Access Week about two weeks ago. The deal was for one small fee, about 1.5 times the normal price of one session, we could try out and attend as many sessions of the different modalities as we please. So I thought, the perfect opportunity to try out the different modalities without the financial outlays..... just as Chiron entered my 1st House.

The Open Week was good for Monday to Saturday, the full week at the centre, they close on Sundays. Monday is my Chakra Dance session so I had to skip Monday. Tuesday however, the session available was a Yoga session, and well I have always said I intended to take up Yoga. As far back as 2016 I was intending to take up Yoga, but the catastrophic year of 2017 put an end to such plans when I turned into a hermit, and now into 2018, well starting to venture out again but my focus had been on Dancing particularly with the Chakra Dance group - a different group. So Yoga was put on the back burner.... until now..... I attended the Yoga session and loved it, and it is a real workout, my muscles were aching afterward, just like during a normal weights workout at the gym. But it was awesome.

What it felt like during my first Yoga session.......

Wednesday night was Qi Gong, another form of stretching exercises but easier than Yoga. A major difference is, Yoga originated in India, while Qi Gong originated in China. Qi Gong is a more gentle form of exercise and better suited to old fogies like me, but with that Saturn Complex in my chart, I would decided to go with the Yoga - always the more difficult forms for me!!!

Then on Thursday night, there were two sessions that I was drawn to attend, one being scheduled after the other. Both were meditation-type sessions which involved nothing much more than just laying down.....

The first is known as Inner Heart Foundation, basically dealing with the Heart Chakra - very out of balance for me!!! Just a series of meditation and visualisation, and me with my very vivid imagination am very good at visualisation, and I do often experience tangible physical manifestations after visualisation, as if these things are really happening. This was a fairly short session, about 45 minutes in total.

The next session is a longer session, it is called Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleanse and Breathwork. Very good for my very out of balance Chakras, and would nicely compliment my Chakra Dance sessions which also addresses my out of balance Chakras. Anyway, we began the session with the Chakra Balancing exercises, which while laying down on our backs, we work on each Chakra via breathwork with chimes being sounded by the facilitator. The sounds assists with vibrations. As Nikola Tesla said, to understand the universe just think in terms of vibrations and frequencies.

After the Chakra Balancing, we did some breathwork, again while laying down, and amidst occasional sounds. Then the Aura Cleanse through sound, there we can just rest, we no longer needed to do any more "work" with breaths, etc. So we just laid there on our mats with pillows and a nice cosy blanket over us while the facilitator pampered us. She had all those different Sound Bowls, basically the different sized bowls that vibrates and makes sounds when struck by some kind of stick with a ball on the end. They are very common and popular among the alternative spiritual community, they are often used in various meditation and healing sessions, and is used in "Sound Healing" where we are healed just by vibrations. In this instance, the Sound Bowls were used to cleanse our Auras. During the session with the Sound Bowls the facilitator would sometimes come around and with her finger places drops of Essential Oils on our head near our 3rd Eye and also on other parts of us, or sometimes she would just gently touch us at certain points of our bodies designed to relax us. We have our eyes closed so was always a nice surprise to feel her touch. This is pretty well the ultimate of being pampered, at least from our particular viewpoints anyway.

Sound bowls.....

After the sessions on Thursday night, I came home and had my dinner..... then out of the blue I began to experience what seemed like panic attacks!!! I thinking, what's in Hell's name is happening to me!!!! I do occasionally experience panic attacks, and these were particularly severe that night. In fact they were so severe that I was seriously thinking of calling Emergency and going to ER just to make sure I wasn't about to drop dead and make an early return back to Taygeta. I do have ambulance cover so it would not have cost me anything to summon them and go to ER, but being a Virgo I hesitate seeking such help. Nevertheless I went to bed in my "going out" clothes in case things turned for the worse. As it turned out, with a few deep breathing exercises, the attacks subsided after a while and I went to sleep.

The next day at work...... I was feeling better but not 100%, nevertheless, I turned up at work like the sacrificial little Virgo that I am. Then that morning at work I was informed that my colleague would not be coming into work, indeed he would be taking a few days off, because his Mother died overnight - about when I was experiencing those panic attacks!!!! Yes I do pick up on these things!!! For the past several years his Mother had been experiencing health issues and some kind of dementia, eventually ending up in a nursing home...... echoes of my Mother's experience, hence the trigger!!!! So when his Mother passed away that night, I picked up on it, and it triggered the panic attack!!!!

Though I went to work that Friday, the panic attack kinda knocked me out for a bit, so wasn't able to go out and take advantage of the final two days of the Open Access Week.

However as a result of the Open Access Week, I decided to take up at least Yoga. At first I wasn't intending to take up any other sessions as I thought it would end up costing me a fortune. Each session in itself is very reasonably priced, well reasonable for Perth anyway!!! But they do all add up if I attend a number of them each week!!! However they made me an offer I could not refuse - monthly membership of the centre. My Virgo bargain detection system lit up, soon realising that the monthly membership fee is less than if I attended two sessions each week without being a member. And there were at least THREE sessions I wanted to attend - the Yoga session on Tuesdays, and the two meditation-type sessions on Thursdays, this makes it three sessions for the price of less than two each week. I could also attend the Wednesday sessions, indeed also on Friday, the membership allows me to attend all of the regular sessions each week. But being an introverted little soul, I do value my nights in. So with my Chakra Dance session on Monday, and the two nights at the centre, this would make it three nights per week - pretty well my limit of regular commitment. But at least the membership gives me the option to attend the other nights if I feel particularly energetic, otherwise, it be my two sessions per week.

And there is more....... enter the Planetary Healers group, yet another group I came across. I was introduced to this group by someone at the DNA Activation session, and since the group involved ETs and healing Mother Gaia (Planet Earth) which is a part of my calling, it grabbed my attention. So I signed up on the group page at and was soon contacted by the group coordinator for the Australia part - the group is worldwide - inviting me to the monthly meetup in Perth. I didn't know anyone in the group so always nervous about attending a meetup where I didn't know anyone, so I shared a bit about me with the coordinator, about how weird I am, my contacts with ETs and some of the other weird things that happens to me, trying to weird her out and put her off me!!!! But it only made her even more enthusiastic for me to attend the next meetup!!!! OK.... must be my kind of group then, if they are as weird as I am.

The next meetup was the following Sunday - after the Open Access Week. Fortunately by then I had pretty well fully recovered from the panic attack. So I attended the monthly meetup last Sunday afternoon, and I was not to be disappointed. They group is right up my alley. We did some meditation and visualisation for the healing of Mother Gaia and connecting with ETs, and we talked about it afterwards. The contacts with the ETs, cities of light, crystals activations.... pretty well all what I am into!!! So now pretty well hooked, and plan on attending the next meetup in November.

The link to the worldwide website for this Planetary Healers group, known as the Group of 40.....

Group Of Forty

There more information on ETs, cities of light, and pretty well everything else about the group.

The following week, I was back at the Chakra Dance session on Monday, dancing to the Sacral Chakra located in the lower stomach region. Then on Tuesday I was back at the Yoga session as is my now regular schedule.

Wednesday however I experienced another panic attack though of lesser intensity, this being a week after the death of my colleague's Mother, it be around the time of the funeral. My colleague hadn't been at work since the previous week, and we hadn't heard from him, but from my own far too many experiences, funerals are usually held about a week after the death.

The panic attack was less severe, and I was fully over it by the next day, so was able to attend the two sessions on Thursday night..... and by Saturday I was back on my walk.

Now let's get back to the Basketball..... uhhhh I believe the Wildcats are now at the top of the ladder.......

School excursion suggestions......

Meanwhile at a Perth restaurant.....

Must be the same guy who made up those Weevils voodoo dolls......

ET truths......

Dating truths.....

When the Chiron Effect wreaks havoc on my trip savings plan......

After the AFL Grand Final......

When Chiron moves back into my 1st House......

21st Century Greeting Cards......

Life after budget cutbacks.....

Corporation truths......
The truth..... !!!!

Budget airlines.......

Love this new cartoon I found..... but then I would love such types of cartoons..... the Pluto influence in my chart......

And another one..... hehe......

Sunday 14 October 2018

Venturing Out Again......

Now just starting to venture out into the world of media, albeit somewhat gingerly..... I think I will adopt the Basketball now. Football is way over rated anyway........

This being the first week back at school here in Western Australia, things are starting to pick up at work as we prepare for the busy period when the enrolments for the 2019 school year will soon arrive. Me the Virgo doing his best to be as prepared as possible, trying to get things together, kits made up, etc.... my efforts being frustrated by my colleagues who are more apt to leave things to the last minute. I guess not everyone is a Virgo. The life of a Virgo is indeed a very difficult life.

This weekend it has been back to winter. Consequently I did not go anywhere on any of my expeditions to the waterfalls nor go for any walks. As per usual, the weather clears up and warms up for the working week, only for more winter rains to arrive next weekend. So looks like another weekend of remaining indoors, though I am due to attend an event on Sunday..... more on that in a bit. Normally I'd go for walks anyway despite the rain, but now in my very ancient age, I don't want to risk getting a cold, especially with my dance sessions and other spiritual events I am due to attend. The last time I walked in the rain I ended up with a cold despite my regime of Vitamin C pills and adding garlic to most of my meals, and I had to use all my powers to quench this cold infection just prior to a spiritual event I was attending - I managed to quench the cold literally on the day I was due to attend the event - without any pharma products except for a nasal spray, and I needed to use that only once. So from now on I will avoid walking in the rain if I have spiritual events coming up within the week. Having to acknowledge my very old age these days, being more susceptible to infections. I do have powers but it takes a lot of energy for me to use these powers.

Last Monday was the first session of the next 9-week Freedom Cycle of the Chakra Dance, this being my 2nd time at the sessions. Once again the only guy among all those Goddesses, some I knew from the last sessions, others were first timers. Last week was the introductory session where we dance through all seven of our chakras, and we do our mandala drawings after the dance. My mandala drawings are always weird......

This is my mandala drawing, depicting four snakes. Oh yes the snake is my power animal who helps me with my energy works for Mother Gaia - planet Earth. I sometimes see snakes during my walks. The Mayans saw the snake as connecting the energies of the Earth, and last week's session was very energetic.

Tomorrow night we dance to the Base Chakra, that is located near the bottom of our spine, and is usually very energetic.

Now coming up to my favourite time of year - Halloween. Oh yes this is my favourite holiday, and each year the Halloween offerings at the stores gets better and better. Xmas is quite frankly way over rated, and I never get any of the crap for Xmas. Halloween however is simply awesome, and each year I get items for my abode. Unfortunately being in a gated complex there won't be any trick and treaters coming my way. I used to enjoy being visited by the trick and treaters while I was at the house, particularly after my wife left this planet. My wife utterly despised Halloween so always had to turn away the trick and treaters while my wife was there. But since then I was gladly receiving them...... now I miss them!!!!

Anyway here's some of my items I bought so far for Halloween.........

Now bracing for a more intense week with more things happening...... been invited to more spiritual events, remains to be seen which ones I end up attending. The dance sessions are already paid for so I have to attend those. The other events, I have to take care to conserve my energies, my nights out has to be balanced with nights one my own in my abode in order to replenish energies. That is how Introverts are wired. We do like to go out, but it saps our energies so we need time to ourselves in order to replenish energies. Extroverts are wired differently, they thrive on going out and being with people, they can do it every night, they get energized by being with people. Introverts however, being with people, as much as we enjoy it, it does sap our energies, so we need time of quietness and solitude so to replenish our energies.

And so that was another week...... and 87 days to go before I head off to America......

When the Chiron Effect kicks in.......

Just what I need for going back to Taygeta......

Dealing with Leos.......

Meanwhile back at my work place......

At a public hospital in Perth.......

Here in the 21st century......

Me.... when Chiron entered my 3rd House during my teen years.....

Me on my social media accounts.....

Meanwhile back in Perth......

Never mess with those Siriuns...... aka puddy cats

Dealing with the Saturn Complex in trying to lose weight......
Trade-offs in Perth......

Sunday 7 October 2018

Media Boycott Continues

It has been a week since this shattering event, and I have been something of a media hermit, not watching TV nor any other media..... been rather liberating in a way. And they still be raving on about the Weevils this weekend..... and this Monday I begin my dance sessions..... I probably wait until the Basketball season begins next week..... I think I will take up Basketball now.

Today I went on an epic walk, the King Jarrah trail down near Dwellingup, what they listed as a 18 kms trail. Firstly however it is less than 15 kms which included the walk from my car to the trail head and return to the car, not 18 kms as stated on the signs. My phone GPS does not lie, so people may like to think they have walked 18 kms but in reality it is less than 15 kms. This however does not take away from the epic-ness of the walk. The first part of the walk was along one of the fire truck trails that more or less followed the river, it wasn't as close to the river as I liked but I did make use of a couple of access points to the river, one of them to an impressive and very energetic rapids. The walk eventually veered away from the river and followed along a small brook. Things really improved near the 10 kms point of the walk when the sign pointed from the fire trail towards a narrow walk trail across the brook and up the quite steep hill, so no longer a fire trail or vehicle track but a dedicated walk trail occasionally marked by the trail signs. So for about 5-6 kms I followed this trail back north towards the start of the loop, through a variety of forest habitats, with some steep sections that tested out my knees.

At about the 7 kms mark I came across some granite outcrops with quite significant quartz deposits. Someone had built a rock tower (or is it an altar?) close to a particularly intense quartz deposit. These were the only granite outcrops and quartz deposits that I have come across during this 15 kms walk. Quartz is significant because it attracts Gaia's energies and can create vortexes. It can also be a clue as to where the dragon lines are located.

This week I begin my 2nd series of the 9-Week Chakra Dance sessions. I wonder if once again I will be the only guy among all these Goddesses. Either way it seems destined to be more intense, with Chiron retrograding back into my 1st House during an intense New Moon. My cards warns me this will be a chaotic week. It is also the 1st week of the new school term, perhaps things will get busy at work therefore chaotic. We are moving into busy period at work, usually more towards November and December.

So what else has been happening..... uhhhh pretty well nothing..... well nothing of note anyway..... a good time for more of my quirky sense of humour......

The Saturnic results of my monthly weigh-in - part 1

The Saturnic results of my monthly weigh-in - part 2

Never marry a Virgo !!

The perils of budget holidays

Who are the ET's?

How things were done back in ancient times......

The Chiron Effect.....

Pharma conspiracy......


My lack of success in dating..... explained !!!

He does have a point.......