Monday 31 October 2016

Moving House - The Process Commenced

Now I am back from a most memorable and indeed most energetic trip to the UK. I have never known a place to have so many vortexes!! All those stone circles and other sacred sites, the Avalon sites such as Glastonbury, and just so many other sites. I am continuing to update my Glastonbury Trip page as I share of my experiences there. The Glastonbury Trip site being....

My Glastonbury Trip

My plan was to commence the process of moving house within the week of arriving back from the UK. However I initially thought I may need to put such plans on hold. I rented a car in the UK, and I discovered I inflicted some scratches on the bumper bar I assume from an encounter with a shrub at the edge of one of those very narrow village streets. I don't actually remember the incident but only when I just happened to notice the scratches afterwards. If this was in America I would have been comprehensively insured for such instances, they have a damage waiver insurance that I always take out. However there is no such creature in the UK, and in fact when picking up the car I was required to sign a car condition report which included any pre existing scratches. I never had to sign such a report in America. The report states that I would be responsible for any new scratches appearing. Of course there are insurance options available in the UK, which I of course took out, but there is no such comprehensive insurance. There's mostly personal insurance against injuries, etc, then certain other insurances which are mostly access waivers, so we won't need to pay any access, however they work only to reduce any payment one will be required to make for damages, not eliminate it totally as one can do so in America. Probably because there are no villages with narrow roads in America, and in the UK it is common to have damages inflicted on cars due to the narrow roads with shrubs and buildings right up to the edges of the road.

So not knowing what my final bill will be, with the real possibility that it may cut into my funds for moving house, I had thought about holding off on the move until I get the bill.

However I since decided to push ahead with my plans for moving house anyway. And if I fall short in the funds due to any upcoming car rental bills, well I just trust in the universe to provide for me one way or the other. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. So just step out and trust in the universe. Miracles never happens while we just sit around worrying about things, the miracles comes only when we are actually DOING things to fulfil our destiny. And my destiny is to travel worldwide working with Gaia's energies at the various vortexes over this planet. And moving house into a smaller abode as a first step towards a nomadic lifestyle is a part of this destiny. Travel is easier when one does not need to put so much energy into one's home base. And at this time, living in this three bedroom house on a block of land is taking up a lot of my energies as well as my finances, not only the rent but also utilities and other expenses. Being in a studio or one-bedroom apartment takes a lot less energy to maintain, so more energies devoted to travel. And being truly nomadic takes even less energy, so much more for travel.

So today I took the vital first step. That is, composing a notice for my landlord and posting it to him. So the notice of my intention to vacate these current premises is now on its way to my landlord. One need to give at least four weeks notice, so I set the vacate date to be December 7, being a Wednesday so at the end of the rent cycle, the rent being paid on Thursdays. So five weeks to vacate this place and find a new abode. The housing situation in Perth is currently favourable with a glut in the rental properties, so should be able to find a place for reasonable rent. Our rent is still very high, it is just only the 2nd most expensive in Australia. A few years ago, Perth was the most expensive place for rents, moreso than Sydney. Nowadays it is only Sydney that is more expensive, but Perth is still more expensive than the other cities. So any reduction in any rent I would need to pay will be most helpful, and I need only a studio apartment or a one bedroom apartment. A studio is no bedrooms, just basically a large living room area with a bed at one end. That would suit me very well as I do not need much space to live in. So either a studio or at most a 1-bedroom unit is all I am looking for.

Needless to say I will be very busy over these next five weeks, so will update with blogs when I can..... probably short updates with any major steps achieved. The focus on the first couple of weeks will be to do most of the cleaning, which is relatively easy due to my steam cleaner which does pretty well everything without any chemicals. And to transport all but the barest of essentials to my storage unit. This will make it a lot easier when the time comes to move into a new apartment, which I will do BEFORE I vacate this current house, so to give me the chance to make sure the house is clean and prepared for that final inspection for my bond while it is empty.

Watch this space!!!!

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