Monday 31 October 2016

Moving House - The Process Commenced

Now I am back from a most memorable and indeed most energetic trip to the UK. I have never known a place to have so many vortexes!! All those stone circles and other sacred sites, the Avalon sites such as Glastonbury, and just so many other sites. I am continuing to update my Glastonbury Trip page as I share of my experiences there. The Glastonbury Trip site being....

My Glastonbury Trip

My plan was to commence the process of moving house within the week of arriving back from the UK. However I initially thought I may need to put such plans on hold. I rented a car in the UK, and I discovered I inflicted some scratches on the bumper bar I assume from an encounter with a shrub at the edge of one of those very narrow village streets. I don't actually remember the incident but only when I just happened to notice the scratches afterwards. If this was in America I would have been comprehensively insured for such instances, they have a damage waiver insurance that I always take out. However there is no such creature in the UK, and in fact when picking up the car I was required to sign a car condition report which included any pre existing scratches. I never had to sign such a report in America. The report states that I would be responsible for any new scratches appearing. Of course there are insurance options available in the UK, which I of course took out, but there is no such comprehensive insurance. There's mostly personal insurance against injuries, etc, then certain other insurances which are mostly access waivers, so we won't need to pay any access, however they work only to reduce any payment one will be required to make for damages, not eliminate it totally as one can do so in America. Probably because there are no villages with narrow roads in America, and in the UK it is common to have damages inflicted on cars due to the narrow roads with shrubs and buildings right up to the edges of the road.

So not knowing what my final bill will be, with the real possibility that it may cut into my funds for moving house, I had thought about holding off on the move until I get the bill.

However I since decided to push ahead with my plans for moving house anyway. And if I fall short in the funds due to any upcoming car rental bills, well I just trust in the universe to provide for me one way or the other. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. So just step out and trust in the universe. Miracles never happens while we just sit around worrying about things, the miracles comes only when we are actually DOING things to fulfil our destiny. And my destiny is to travel worldwide working with Gaia's energies at the various vortexes over this planet. And moving house into a smaller abode as a first step towards a nomadic lifestyle is a part of this destiny. Travel is easier when one does not need to put so much energy into one's home base. And at this time, living in this three bedroom house on a block of land is taking up a lot of my energies as well as my finances, not only the rent but also utilities and other expenses. Being in a studio or one-bedroom apartment takes a lot less energy to maintain, so more energies devoted to travel. And being truly nomadic takes even less energy, so much more for travel.

So today I took the vital first step. That is, composing a notice for my landlord and posting it to him. So the notice of my intention to vacate these current premises is now on its way to my landlord. One need to give at least four weeks notice, so I set the vacate date to be December 7, being a Wednesday so at the end of the rent cycle, the rent being paid on Thursdays. So five weeks to vacate this place and find a new abode. The housing situation in Perth is currently favourable with a glut in the rental properties, so should be able to find a place for reasonable rent. Our rent is still very high, it is just only the 2nd most expensive in Australia. A few years ago, Perth was the most expensive place for rents, moreso than Sydney. Nowadays it is only Sydney that is more expensive, but Perth is still more expensive than the other cities. So any reduction in any rent I would need to pay will be most helpful, and I need only a studio apartment or a one bedroom apartment. A studio is no bedrooms, just basically a large living room area with a bed at one end. That would suit me very well as I do not need much space to live in. So either a studio or at most a 1-bedroom unit is all I am looking for.

Needless to say I will be very busy over these next five weeks, so will update with blogs when I can..... probably short updates with any major steps achieved. The focus on the first couple of weeks will be to do most of the cleaning, which is relatively easy due to my steam cleaner which does pretty well everything without any chemicals. And to transport all but the barest of essentials to my storage unit. This will make it a lot easier when the time comes to move into a new apartment, which I will do BEFORE I vacate this current house, so to give me the chance to make sure the house is clean and prepared for that final inspection for my bond while it is empty.

Watch this space!!!!

Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Saga of the PC Stick

This time in just two very short days I will be in one of those big white birds on the first leg of my very long trip to the UK. You know you live in the most isolated city on Earth when you travel overseas. There are no direct flights to Europe, there is always a stopover, in my instance in Dubai in the wee small hours of the morning local time, before finally arriving in London early Friday morning local time...... before attempting to navigate the labyrinth that is Heathrow Airport that is so huge that it makes Sydney Airport look like a dusty old outback runway with a few tin sheds serving as terminals!!! There I pick up my rental car for the hour's drive or so to Southampton on the south coast which will be my home base for the next two weeks.

Meanwhile back at the ranch...... been very busy.........

Last week I mentioned about ordering a PC Stick, basically a device that you plug into the TV turning it into a Windows PC with an equivalent power of a high end laptop for a fraction of the price. Sounds like a great deal, so I ordered one, which of course came from the east coast. And a short week later them carrier pigeons finally delivered my Stick, that was last Wednesday.

So I connected my keyboard and mouse to the device and plugged it into my TV. The device automatically began to boot itself, loading up Windows.... so far so good...... until..... Alas!!!!! It refused to talk to my keyboard!!!! The mouse worked fine, but the device wouldn't work without a keyboard. So I tried a 2nd keyboard that I had..... same result!!!! Arrrrrrrgh!!!!!

Back to square one!!!!! I was so annoyed!!!! Just as luck would have it, it seemed I had gotten a faulty device. Well there is a warranty attached to it, but being so close to my trip there is simply no time to deal with it..... will probably have to send it back to the east coast, that is at least a week, then probably months before I either get it back or at least get sent a replacement device.

So I faced up to the possibility of having just my tablet for my trip, and being without a Windows machine for the foreseeable future.

As the saying goes, it is better not to gain at all than it is to gain then lose it!!!! Like you been promised something only for it to fall through at the last minute!!!! Whether it was just that or the universe prodding me, I felt compelled again to look for laptops.

True enough there are cheap laptops around but it is very much a case of you get what you pay for. Cheap laptops are not much bigger than my tablet and nothing much more than glorified electronic pads. A geek like me needs much more, a decent machine with grunt, high speed processor, graphics, basically a multimedia machine - otherwise I might as well just stick with my tablet.

Such machines are expensive. Me being Virgo I do my research, finding a compromise between power and price. But nomatter, whatever machine I would end up being happy with, it is going to be expensive. Oh I had the funds for it aside from that is set aside for my Glastonbury trip, however, the extra funds were set aside towards my 2017 trips.

So it came down to a choice of two trips in 2017, or a laptop and one trip in the latter half of 2017.

I chose the latter...... and so I am now composing this blog on my new laptop.... which of course will be coming with me to Glastonbury.

Next thing my car..... and last week I also had it booked in for a service, new tyres, and replace rear brake light. In this instance I gotten off cheaper than expected, and my car is now roadworthy as well as being given a much overdue service. However as expected, the cooling system needs a massive flush before the summer. Up to now it has been behaving itself, but only because of our endless winter, being the coldest September on record, and October being not much warmer. So when I get back from Glastonbury I will need to get the cooling system dealt with. There's other things that needs to be done but none so urgent. I forget the car is over 12 years old!!!! It doesn't seem that old, it is still in good nick, no rust spots or things falling off, it still looks like a near-new car. But yeah it is having the issues of a 12 year old car, with work needing to be done to it.

Now just basically packing and getting ready for the trip, trying to figure out what I need to bring along while at the same time trying to keep within the airline luggage weight limits, very difficult for a Virgo who thinks he needs everything just in case he regrets leaving some things behind!!!

So just tomorrow, a full day..... then Thursday morning..... I am due at the airport pretty well soon after midday, the flight itself is due to leave at 5pm, landing in Dubai around midnight, and about two hours later, the 2nd leg to London, arriving approx 7:30am local time. Pretty good time to arrive, gives me all day to well get through customs, pick up rental car, drive to Southampton, check into the motel, and get myself set up. The motel has free wi fi, as is pretty well standard these days, most motels have free wi fi. So I will stay in touch, uploading pixs to my Glastonbury site, and also my weird musings posted on the site.

Link to my Glastonbury Trip site where pixs will be uploaded pretty well every day.......

Glastonbury Trip Page

Indeed right now I have pixs uploaded to the page already, pixs of my crystals, wand, figurine, and my pendant for my trip. So well prepared for my energy works and visiting those mystical sites and ET hotspots.

This must be under "Virgo"

Meanwhile at my workplace.....

When I brought home pets during my childhood.....

This must be why I can never successful in love ;)

Sunday 2 October 2016

Grand Final Synchronicities

I did have a feeling that the Western Bulldogs would win the AFL Grand Final but like the skeptical Virgo that I am I dismissed such feelings, thinking Sydney is far more experienced, no one ever wins a Grand Final from 7th spot, etc, etc. I guess I should learn to give more attention to my feelings.

Soon after I looked at the numerical significance of the scores I did notice some utterly scary synchronicities. There is no such creature as coincidence, but there is indeed a creature called synchronicity, it is how the universe sends messages.

The Bulldogs final score is 13.11. I leave Perth for my Glastonbury trip on the 13th and am there in the UK for 11 full days aside from the commute days to and from Perth.

The total points score is 89 points. The digits adds up to 17, which further reduces to 8. This is the standard method of numerology. 8 is the number for Divinity or the higher dimensions.

And the winning margin over Sydney is 22 points, 22 being another very energetic number. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.

So with the apparently ancestral family links to the Bulldogs, this makes for truly freaky!!! There is a higher chance of winning 1st Division lotto than having a final scoreline in Australia's most significant sporting event to coincide with the significant dates of my Glastonbury trip!!!!!

Now other things with less than two weeks until I head off on another trip of a lifetime, my trip to Glastonbury and the southern UK.

I will finally get my Windows machine after struggling with my Android tablet since my PC died and ugly death just after my America trip. I had decided not to have it repaired due to its ancient age and so hang out for a laptop. However with needing to save for my Glastonbury trip, then my decision to move house, and decide on my 2017 trips, I felt I needed to hold off from purchasing such a laptop. There are cheap laptops but it's a case of you get what you pay for. Decent laptops with full features are expensive.

Then I just happen to come across info on PC sticks, basically a computer that you plug into the TV, turning the TV into a computer, and it works for all modern flatscreen TVs. Being a Virgo I did some research and found that these PC sticks are as powerful as high-end laptops but for a fraction of the price, about $200 for a device with the power and features of a $1000+ laptop. So I ordered one, and now just waiting for those carrier pigeons to bring it to me from the east coast.

Now my car..... during my travels I came across three police roadblocks in just a little over a week, with the latest being today. On each occasion the roadblocks where vehicles are checked for license and roadworthiness, has been in the opposite lanes, but I figured the universe is trying to tell me something. I knew for a while that my rear right brake light needs replacing. Then I had a sensing that I had better check my tyres, and while my back tyres are fine, my front tyres are almost as bald as my head!!!! That's a yellow sticker waiting to happen. If the coppers doesn't get me for the rear brake light, they will get me for the front tyres. So better arrange to have these issues dealt with before my trip, so will have my car booked in within the next week or so.

This is my last working week until vacation time. Tonight/Tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year, so as always, I take the day off work in honor of the day. Therefore I have effectively four more working days until vacation time.

So busy times ahead before I leave for Glastonbury..... and I haven't even started packing my bags yet!!!!

The life of a Virgo.......

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What I often deal with 😊

Facebook on the other side 😊