Saturday 15 September 2012

It's been a tough week..... but the Maggies beat the Weavils so I am now happy, at least momentarily. It was very touch and go for a bit and not good for my nerves, I watched Dr Who instead of the footy!!! But when the Maggies won it really made my night! Now I wouldn't care if they get beaten by Sydney next week, all it matters is they beat the Weavils and are therefore above the Weavils!!!! Of course it be great if they beat Sydney and make it to the Grand Final but it won't be a catastrophe if they don't.

The oils have finally come. The dimwit courier couldn't follow simple instructions so he placed an "unsuccessful delivery" card at the door in spite of the fact that the door was clearly open and all he had to so was to step inside where Sally was in her chair. Due to her arthritis etc she can't get up quickly and so can't get to the door quickly, but with Silver Chains having just left, the door was still open. I was at work. In spite of this and Sally calling on him to come in and give the package to her, he just didn't do so!! Couriers are such dimwits. At work we get couriers waiting at the door for several minutes and calling out "is anyone there" in spite of the fact there is a big clear sign at the door with a buzzer and the simple instruction in big bold letters "press for service"!!!! They'd stand there forever until someone happens to come by, such as myself who is not allowed to sign for packages due to union rules - it is to protect me against being in deep doo-doo if for some reason the package goes missing or it doesn't reach the intended recipient!!! Why they can't read.... i guess it is why they are couriers and not anything else!!

Anyway it meant i had to spend Saturday morning driving over to the delivery center at the airport to pick up the parcel, about a 90 minutes round trip. But Sally so wanted to get hold of the oils, and well she intends getting started on them today. I think there is a two week course of oral where she drinks a few drops in water, this is meant to detox her system. Then to apply the other oils to her sores. I think its a 6-weeks course in all. If I am still changing bandages at the end of six weeks I will kill myself!!!! This is our last roll of the dice. If these oils does not work then I am destined to be changing bandages and being in poverty due to bandages and other expenses for the rest of our days - and I won't be tolerating this for much longer, I would rather die. So let's hope these oils will do the job where all else including antibiotics have failed!!!!!

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