Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hey all.... about time I peek my head in again. My life is all pretty well the same here, go to work each day, then be carer for Sally when I am not at work, changing bandages every night and etc. One day just merges into another, my life a never ending treadmill with no end in sight.

Anyway..... had a good week with the football tipping after recovering from the disaster the previous week when I gotten only 4 points. I am back in business with 7 points last week including my much beloved Magpies. Will my beloved Magpies win again? They make the trek to Adelaide this weekend, and well the Crows are in 2nd spot but won only one more game than us..... hmmmmmm...... have to think about this one......

Lots of interesting things happening Astronomically. A few days ago there was the solar eclipse. Then in what seems to be a series of amazing coincidences, a lunar eclipse will be happening in just a little over a week from now, indeed on June 4 and it can be seen from anywhere in Australia during the first part of the evening, well before midnight anyway. Then we have Venus transit of the sun on June 5 and 6, and that can also be seen from here in Australia early on the 6th - from the west coast it will be as the sun is rising. I have to dig out my old telescope!!

With all these celestial events.... well much has been said about 2012 being the end of the world cos the Mayan calendar ends on December 21 2012. Well I don't think for a minute that the world will end, not in 2012 nor any time soon. Indeed this planet will be around for at least another few billion years until the sun decides to blow itself up. Whether we will be around by then is another matter, nevertheless, I do believe the human race will survive for some time yet even given the possibility of some nutcase rising to power akin to Hitler, Stalin or George Bush! LOL! and with nuclear weapons in hand. But anyway, point is, both us and the planet will be around for a long time after 2012.

So what's the deal about 2012. Well on December 21, the earth and sun will be in exact alignment with the center of the galaxy, that is, you draw a line through the earth and sun it continues to the exact center of the galaxy. This happens only once every 26000 years and happens to be in the changeover of the astrological ages. The earth axis processions around in a circle over 26000 years so for 2000 years each it points to a particular zodiac sector, and for the past 2000 years it has been pointing to Pisces - the age of Christianity - hence the association of Christianity with the fish, you know those fish signs on the back of cars owned by Christians, and Jesus referring to fishing and fishermen, etc. But it is moving from Pisces into Aquarius, well it has been for a while but moreso now if that makes sense......

The Mayan calendar.... well to say it "ends" in 2012 is really not an accurate way of putting it. We with our Roman calendar are used to seeing time in a linear fashion, one year moves into another ad infinitum. The Mayan calendar however is cyclical, indeed it runs on three major cycles, and it just happens that all three cycles coincides on December 21 2012, the time when the earth and sun lines up with the center of the galaxy. You see smart cookies them Mayans, they know about Astronomy and stuff. So it doesn't actually end on 2012, it simply the case of the three cycles coinciding, and it will continue on thereafter, just the start of the next cycles for another 26000 years..... pure and simple really.

So there is nothing to fear on December 21 2012..... but I did enjoy the movie!!! haha!!!!

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