Thursday 17 November 2016

Moving House - Room Offer

So much has been happening lately it's been rather overwhelming for this quiet Virgo. I have been spending a part of each evening cleaning the house, most which I am able to do, but identifying some areas which I will need help from a professional cleaner. This weekend I plan to visit the hardware store to acquire items to allow me to paint and repair the walls where the hospital had left its mess in installing mobility aids for my wife, and also to source an oven cleaner and make a booking for him to come and clean the oven.

However the most momentous development came in the past 24 hours. Yesterday I realized that it marks three weeks until I am due to vacate this house, therefore I will now need to take proactive action in searching for a new abode. My Virgo inspired plan was to acquire a new abode about two weeks prior to my vacate date so to enable me time to remove the rest of the furniture and leave the house empty to enable the cleaners to clean the house and to make sure all is up to scratch for that dreaded final inspection.

So I first turned to the scant spiritual community in Perth, and posted to a FaceBook group for spiritual people looking for new abodes. I posted a message in the group specifying that I am looking to move into an apartment, flat, studio, or bedsitter. And I stated the reason for my move is to move on from the death of my wife, and needing to move out of this large house. So I posted the message just before I went to bed on Wednesday night, that is, last night.

I woke up this morning to get ready for work, I wake up very early as I go to work early, and just thought I check FaceBook but not expecting any replies just yet. However I was surprised to receive a reply already - a lady with a puppy dog offering me a room for rental within her house.

OK I didn't specifically ask for just a room rental within a household, though I was actually considering this option. I was considering it but I didn't tell anyone. I believe things happens for a reason, and so I message her back saying I would consider her offer.

Now me being a Virgo I have my habits and my quirks, and there are certain issues that would need to be addressed for me to be renting a room in a shared household. First and foremost I will need an en suite or at the very least access to own bathroom. I am a Virgo, I have my habits, so own bathroom is a necessity. This offer fulfills this condition, she uses an en suite in her room, so the spare bathroom apparently opposite my intended room will basically be my own bathroom.

Next issue is the room rate versus rent for an apartment. When she sent me pixs of her house, it looked very impressive, almost like a mansion, and located in one of the better parts of the city near the river, so I thought it would be expensive. I was surprised when she quoted the rate, it was only a little higher than the cheapest flat in a less desirable part of town. Furthermore the room rate includes utilities. So basically I be paying a flat room rate with no extra utilities bills such as power or water. Of course in a flat you pay the rent then you pay the utilities on top of that. And being in a household, I be able to cancel my landline phone and internet account and just use their wi fi connection. So am really getting an excellent deal here.

Then the shared facilities such as laundry. In moving to an apartment or flat, I already saw that the studios and one-bedroom flats typically has no private laundry facilities and so we be using the communal laundry facilities within the block of flats. Back in the days before I got married I lived in apartment blocks with shared laundry facilities and much to my annoyance found that they never provide enough washing machines for the size of the block. And so the scant supply of washing machines were forever in use, and always a queue for using them. Yes one machine in a block of 20 units is simply not enough!!!!!! Of course in this room rental offer, the laundry facility is shared but by only one other person - the owner of the house. So assuming she uses the laundry maybe two days per week, maybe even three days, that leaves me with at least four other days for me to use the facilities. So no queues and no waiting.

Then the shared kitchen facilities, and again with only one other person to share with, this will not be such an inconvenience. And from the pixs it seems she has a large modern kitchen. The whole house is very impressive, it be like living back with Mother's two-storey house after her 2nd marriage, and just as roomy.

Next is location. Very good location near the river and close to the city, so a reasonable bicycle riding distance to work each day, much of it along the cycleway that runs along the river. In contrast in my current abode, my bicycle ride is mainly through back streets and then along the cycleway that runs along the Freeway with no scenic views.

And it's a spiritual household so my weirdness would be better tolerated. Well she checked my FaceBook page with my weird stories from Taygeta, my Wicca, ET, and Star Seeds stuff, etc, and she still offered me the room!!!! So she must like me despite my weirdness!!!!

So this afternoon we chatted on the phone for a bit..... and she still must like me cos we now arranged for a meetup tomorrow afternoon to look at the house and to discuss the nitty gritty, the finer details, my Virgo habits and quirks, and whether we could indeed live under the same roof. She knows I'm a Virgo and she still likes me, or at least, tolerate me enough to offer me the room, so she must not be fazed too much by Virgos. We Virgos are fussy creatures, we have our set ways, our annoying quirks, are anxious creatures, over-thinking, and analysing everything. And well she just had her birthday which makes her a Scorpio, who are more passionate creatures with lots of energies, and she certainly sounds like a typical Scorpio. She's 50 so similar age to me.

So this will be crunch time, and whether living under the same roof will be viable given our quirks....... especially my Virgo quirks........

Of course being a Virgo we like to take our time in making decisions, we don't rush into anything, we take our time to analyse, compare, weigh up pros and cons, and just generally being fussy creatures and over-thinking on whether the particular offer is viable for our quirks. But she will probably want a decision ASAP, assuming she still tolerates me after our meetup, so.... well.... will see how it pans out.....

Watch this space.

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