Monday 9 May 2016

My Last Night In The Most Isolated City on Earth

Here to my last night in this isolated city of Perth as I am about to embark on my greatest adventure yet, my 2nd ever trip to America. I leave this isolated little desert outpost tomorrow night at 11:45pm for the "midnight horror" the overnight flight to Sydney. I won't sleep that night cos I cannot sleep on transportation - car, bus, train, plane, ET scout craft, mother ship,.... I arrive Sydney at about 6am, then leave again at about 10am for the long flight over the Pacific to LA arriving 6:30am local time, still on May 11 due to the quirk of flying across the International Date Line. Hello Dr Who!!!!! Then the final leg to Hawaii, the flight departing LA at 8:40am arriving Kahului on Maui Island in Hawaii at 11:30am local time on May 11 beginning my 5 days in Hawaii where I be exploring beaches and volcanoes and everything inbetween!!!!

Things has been very hectic since last weekend's Margaret River retreat, tying up loose ends, starting to pack my luggage, and making sure I have everything!! Those airline luggage weight limits are the nemesis of Virgos who likes to be prepared for anything and so usually pack more than one needs!!! We Virgos are so fussy!!! I always go over the weight limit and so have to decide what to leave behind when I know I NEED everything that I want to take!!!! Had the same problem on my New Zealand trip!!! But for New Zealand we were allowed only one checked luggage, but here for my America trip the airline allows TWO checked luggage, and I STILL have the problem of over-packing and having to decide what to leave behind to avoid the over-weight charges!!!

Last Wednesday was my last ecstatic session with Dance Mandala, I once again I met up with Juditka at her place and we went together to the Dance - probably as close as I will ever get to a dance date with someone!!!! While in America I will look up for ecstatic dance sessions at the places I be staying at, there is sure to be some I will be able to attend. Ecstatic dancing in America will be one awesome experience indeed!!!!

Also bringing some of my art supplies to America with me. The Margaret River retreat have massively re-awakened my creative abilities, with drawing and painting. Seems like to follow in my wife's footsteps who was an artist and very good at it. I have my own weird style of artwork, very much based on Taygeta.

And then the tribal music, I have found my love for tribal music and will see if I can find myself a tribal instrument while in America, especially given my past-life links to Native Americans. So yes here is an artist at work here!!!! Haaaaaa....... well I AM an 8D soul from Taygeta so it must be expected that I am such a creative soul, we Pleiadeans are very creative creatures even if it manifests in weird ways.

It seems so surreal that I am actually leaving for America tomorrow night, it still haven't sunk in even with my luggage around still in the process of packing, my e-ticket, and all these other travel items that one needs...... Tomorrow will start of "normal" enough, still going to work, it be my last day at work..... then come home, have my last meal at home though I probably won't eat much cos I will probably eat enough on the airlines, they tend to feed you well on these international flights...... then do my very anxious final check to see if I have everything. We Virgos are very anxious creatures, and we afraid that we would forget something. So have to deal with that!!!!! Then be at the airport by 8pm for checkin by 8:30pm, then just waiting around the departure lounges, boarding the plane sometimes after 11pm..... and the departure set for 11:45pm...... goodbye Perth!!!!!!!

Meanwhile the disaster area that is the football...... yes my rule to never pick the Maggies serves me well...... oh yes will still be doing my tipping while in America, oh the wonders of free wi-fi at the motels I am staying at, free wi fi is standard, nearly all of them has it.... so yes be very much online.....

And last weekend's results..... 6 and 7 correct picks, still pretty good even if my ranking did drop a little but not catastrophic.... 13th spot in the office comp, and 372/994 in the Union comp which is top 37%...... Next week it be Maggies against Brisbane, more of an even match cos they're both doing crap! haaaaa...... probably one of our best chances of a win, so may pick the Maggies in one of my competitions, and Brisbane in the other..... so maybe pick the same teams in the other matches but alternate between Maggies and Brisbane in my two comps. Being at the Gabba it probably be slight advantage to Brisbane though it depends on the day.........

Anyway...... see ya in Hawaii..... hehehe.........

Weirdness alert.... I have actually thought about this possibility, among others..... more like a very imaginative ET!!!! hehehe!!!!.....

More likely what would happen at my house ;) ;) ;)

Must always seek to improve rather than be content on yesterday's achievements......

Meanwhile in the not very distant future.......... unless drastic changes happens.......

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