Friday 15 November 2013

Life Goes On.....

Now definitely through with dating scams. Although the schemes are vastly different, the same patterns and traits are present in all of them. Now to get on with life.....

Last Saturday night was the DonateLife event at the old Perth Observatory, I was invited cos Sally was an organ donor. Donate Life participate the the Adopt A Star program through the Perth Observatory, that they adopted a star collectively for the organ donors. The star in question is called Achernar, a giant blue star about 139 light years from Earth. Hmmmm I wonder if there are any ETs living near the star! hehe! The event was held in the grounds of the old Observatory near Kings Park, there was a concert and some speeches, then we looked through telescopes at the moon, Venus, and the star. Unfortunately during the concert, someone forgot to turn of the sprinkler retic, and just my luck I was sitting right next to a sprinkler which I didn't know until it popped up and proceeded to drench me, so was like a drowned rat. They eventually turned them off, but it was too late, me and my belongings were wet through.

Of course I invited the Perth side of the family along, but did any of them come along? Of course not! Without naming names, some said they had other events already planned, while others had simply ignored my invites. It did hurt but it is so typical of my family (meaning Mother's side). If Mother was still here, she'd come along with me, even if she had other plans, unless it was something like a night on the town already booked and paid for, wouldn't expect her to give that up, otherwise she would have made every effort to come along with me, even if for only part of the event if she had something else going on. So it was a bitter-sweet night. Everyone else there had families/friends with them, I was the only loner. So everyone else had family who cared enough to come along with them. We all had gotten invites about three weeks before the event, so possibility that some family members may have already other plans, but it is plain to see, they all had family who cared enough to come along. Except me. It's not so much those who had contacted me with news of other plans, though it did hurt a bit that things akin to a birthday party or a work function was deemed more important than attending an event in honor of my wife. But it was those who totally ignored me, that did hurt a lot. Probability theory is that not all family members will have had prior commitments, those who ignored me would have in all probability no prior commitment but just didn't want to go to the bother of accepting the invite.

So now that I know that my importance to the family lies somewhere between that of a slug and an amoeba there are going to be changes. I will no longer be putting my family first in regards to Xmas, birthdays, etc. In years gone by, when someone asked what I was doing for Xmas, I'd say that I expect to be having lunch with the family. But not this time. This time I will say that I have no plans for Xmas. So if anyone wanted to take me out, or invited me to their place, I'd go even if it clashed with the family event which is usually Xmas lunch. Of course this is purely symbolic. I have no friends in Perth, they are all overseas or on the east coast. And of course I will never get a date in Perth. There are certain things that just will not happen - the Palestinians giving the land back to the Jews, the Pope approving of gay unions and married priests in the Church, America paying off it's trillion dollar debt, and a 50yo guy getting a date in Perth!! So unfortunately I will probably be at the Xmas lunch as per usual. However if by some extreme stroke of luck, akin to winning Powerball Lotto, that I get an invite from elsewhere, I will be accepting the invite. A visit to the family for Xmas lunch in Kardinya will be a last resort, it will only be when I have nothing else to do. Indeed in any future dating prospect I won't even say that I have a family here, I will say as per more the truth, my family are on the east coast.

So it seems it is my destiny to be alone.... there is a reason why I am called the Wandering Wolf, destined to be forever wandering, never to find a place to call home, never to find anyone to settle down with. Indeed to be with people who actually values me I will have to travel, to the east coast, and overseas.... afterall I did have to go all the way to America to meet a wife!!! I don't intend ever marrying again, there will ever be only one Sally, but if I ever want to meet true friends I will have to travel to do so. Perth women are fickle, closed minded, and very old fashioned, all expecting men to have 1950's styled short hair, shirt and tie. They reject my longer hair and hippie-like features. East coast women are far more open minded and far more accepting of me just as I am. It is just that they are on the east coast, a very long way from me!!!!!

Uh well life goes on..... I've up the ante on my walks, I now go for walks after work at least twice each week. These are shorter walks, I just go to Lake Monger which is about 5 mins from work and walk around it, about 3.4kms according to my app, which I do in a little over 30 minutes. In this Luddite city of Perth we don't have daylight savings, but there is enough daylight after work to enable to time for my walks and get home well before dark. On other days I often have to go to the shops or other errands after work, but if I can fit in at least two walks I am happy.

Still no word as to whether I will have to move out, though I am now leaseless, my lease ran out so am just renting from fortnite to fortnite. I do have a bit of savings built up, which is meant to be for the move, but I decided to splurge on a portable aircon. It's a real aircon, not those useless "air cooler" thingies that doesn't work. This aircon seems to be working very well. And since it is unlikely that apartments in my price range will have aircons, this unit will come in handy when I finally do move into an apartment. The aircon has an exhaust system designed to fit into a window. It comes with a universal window fitting that can be used on virtually any size window that opens, just a matter of opening the window about four inches and the fitting slides in and slots into place. So the hot air exhaust from the aircon goes straight out the window. Fortunately I have security grilles on my windows, though it's not likely that anyone could squeeze through a 4-inch space, however, as I shared in a previous blog, my windows are those standard aluminium frame windows that can be easily removed - that I found out when I did the window cleaning!!!! It is only the security grille that protects the window from being broken into. In any case, when I am not using the aircon, I simply remove the window fitting, especially when I am out of the house. I never leave the aircon on all night, it is a wee bit noisy, well fairly comparable to the noise from the more expensive wall-mounted units, but me being a light sleeper, I can't sleep with noise. But by then, the house is cool enough, and I can sleep reasonably comfortable.

So now looking forward to another weekend...... alone. Tomorrow, Saturday, will be hot and I won't be pushing myself quite so much on my walk, not going to be walking 15kms in near-century heat!! I'll limit myself to about 10kms. I probably won't be going to King's park cos I think there is an event happening so it will be packed out and parking impossible. But fortunately I think the Causeway end will be free, and parking there is free unlike both the Perth and South Perth sides. So will probably go for an around the river walk, but this time between the Causeway and the Burswood bridges, that is, past the Casino, over the Burswood bridge, and back up the other side past Gloucester Park. Sunday is expected to be cooler albeit more humid, I will probably hit Bold Park then. This November has been the hottest on record so far, not complaining, I far more prefer heat to cold.

Chanukah is coming up soon, in fact it begins the evening of 24 November, less than two weeks away. So I did another splurge, a more minor one, and ordered a new Chanukah menorah. Such a menorah has nine candle holders, as opposed to seven on a normal menorah. Prior to this, Sally and I had been using a cheap old small menorah which we gotten at a Jewish markets, it was the cheapest we could find as that was all we could afford at the time. It is now most decidedly worst for wear, so now into a new phase in my life, not one I am enjoying, nevertheless a new phase, I decided to finally purchase a new and bigger and more expensive menorah. I spotted online a great new modern-style menorah which I really liked, so I put in an order. It seemed a lot of other people liked it too, and indeed I was duly informed a couple of days later that it had sold out!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!! But fortunately I was able to pick an alternative model, same price, and similar style, and fortunately that was still in stock!!!!! So I am now excitedly waiting for my new menorah. Due to the proximity of the holiday, I had to choose a more expensive faster delivery option so to guarantee delivery before the start of Chanukah. Chanukah is like Xmas, it creeps up on you!!!! But unlike Xmas, Chanukah being a lunar-based holiday like all Jewish holidays, it falls at a different time of year each year, and this year it falls early, so it crept up on me even faster!!!!!

This is what I wanted but it sold out!!!!!

So this is what I ended up with.... still a very nice one.....

So now just waiting for it to get here..... all the way from Israel !!!!!

Anyway..... I think that is about all for now........

Here in keeping with my darker moods, here some darker music.... but I promise I won't make it too dark. But with Pluto in my natal sign there is a dark side of me, and that dark side manifests much when I am sad, feel unloved, hopeless, and particularly lonely..... So here's a classic song.... it is indeed The End in many ways..... well ok my family is not quite THIS disfunctional but you get the idea.....

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again


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