Tuesday 26 June 2012

We have received some potentially shocking news though not totally unexpected. We have a 2-year lease on the rental which ends October this year and there has been some speculations of the intent of the owner to sell the house therefore we would be evicted. It seems our suspicions are confirmed. We often receive mail at the house addressed personally to the owner. Usually these are direct marketing mail from certain companies and are told to simply bin the letters. However a couple of days ago we received a letter from a REAL ESTATE COMPANY personally addressed to the owner. We bear in mind that we do not rent through a real estate company, this is a private rental, our rent is paid directly to the owner. So a letter from a real estate company arrives, and it seems the letter was expected, we were instructed to place the letter back in the box so it can be collected for the property owner.

This can mean only one thing - they are intending to sell the house. There is no other reason for any contacts with a real estate company. With the lease ending in just a few weeks, this seems more than coincidental.

Moving house would be traumatic enough given Sally's health condition, the fact she is housebound, and she cannot go out of the house.

However there are far more serious implications - the housing crisis in Perth. Rentals are extremely hard to find, there are always several applicants for each rental advertised, and it is often the case of the highest bidder wins as many offer to pay rents higher than advertised in an effort to secure a lease on the property. But with Sally's health conditions our means are limited. We seemed destined to be on the streets. For the first time in my life I would about to experience life living on the streets.

We often hear on the news of people with even good jobs, even whole families, living in cars on the streets cos there is simply nowhere to live. There are simply not enough dwellings to go around. Of course it is often the stories of those of young families with babies that makes it onto the media.

This is not the first time we had no house to live in. When we came back from America we had nowhere to live cos I had ended the lease on my apartment before i went to America. However we could always stay at mother's until we find a rental, and in those days there was no housing crisis, rentals were easy and relatively cheap to find. So we just stayed at mothers until we found a rental. This option is no longer available. Mother is gone. With no mother we are on own own.

And of course we have the dreaded "The Three Weeks" coming up starting July 7 this year. Being connected with the lunar anniversary of the destruction of the Jewish Temples, the Three Weeks is when disasters and calamities befalls the Jewish people. For some reason, as I shared in my stories and previous blogs, such disasters also happens to ME!!! Each year without fail, for as far back as I can remember, as far as I have records of it, disasters and calamities ALWAYS happens to me during The Three Weeks. Last year it was during The Three Weeks when Sally's current health problems first manifested - we are still dealing with those health problems nearly a year later with no end in sight.

Therefore I am predicting that our eviction notice would come during The Three Weeks. This will not be the first time this has happened. The last time we were evicted, back in 2003, was also during The Three Weeks, and was also because the owner wanted to sell the house. There was no housing crisis back then so we easily found another rental - across the road!! But other disasters happened that year. The head gasket of the car we had back then blew up costing $1500 to replace, this on top of moving expenses. And the landlord of the previous property would not return our bond cos she deemed the house to be "dirty" in spite of me spending all weekend cleaning it. This all occurred during The Three Weeks of 2003. It was only when we made it obvious we would take the landlord to court that she finally paid us back our bond.

That was 2003 when there was no housing crisis. Now 9 years later in 2012 a lot has changed. There is now a housing crisis, a serious shortage of rentals, and very high rents for properties that are available. Our rent is currently well below the market rates. That seems destined to change even if we do manage to find a rental. But most difficult is to find a rental at all.

And forget about public housing - there is a 2 - 3 year waiting list for even urgent cases!! It will still mean 2 - 3 years on the streets.

Football tipping..... I managed to pick 4 from 6 including my beloved Magpies who had a win over the Weevils - West Coast Eagles - and so now currently sitting where we belong, on top of the ladder !!!!

Monday 18 June 2012

The football tipping last week I managed to pick every winner!!.... well there were only six games and most were pretty easy to pick even in spite of the fact that my beloved Magpies were not playing. This weekend will not be quite so simple although it will be another six-game round. The Maggies will play the Weevils - West Coast Eagles - and well they are doing ok for themselves, winning the same number of games and being on top of the ladder by virtue of percentage, so it will be hard to pick, but being at the MCG I would think indeed HOPE that home ground advantage would prevail. Then we have Essendon and Freo, Essendon won two more games than Freo but will have to make the long trek to the west coast to play Freo. Nevertheless Essendon SHOULD win, but whether they will or not is another matter..... hmmmmm......

This has been a wetter than normal June but we had a couple of fine days allowing me to do the lawns and other gardening last Sunday. Now the rains have returned. A wet June but not terribly cold indeed almost balmy......

This is about it on my mundane existence with no change to Sally's condition......

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Storm update as promised..... we survived unscathed with no property damage and no power outages!! The neighbor's metal awnings just ended up in our back yard but fortunately our awnings and everything else on our house remained intact. So hopefully no more storms for a while!!
Storm update.... well the storm has already hit the south west as I write this. Only question is whether it will reach as far north as here in Perth. The forecast is that it will reach here later tonight, about 10pm, with winds up to 125 kmh which is basically category 2 hurricane force and perhaps even a tornado or two, well more like mini-tornados or cock-eye-bobs, not like the ones in America thanks goodness!! Just hoping we won't get any power outages here as there are still a lot of homes without power from the last storm on Sunday. So far we escaped unscathed...... I guess we shall see what happens tonight.... it is times like these when we realise we are truly at the mercy of these atmospheric phenomena and there is really nothing we can do about them..... just batten down and hope it won't be too much of an impact here!! Meanwhile keeping my eye on the radar, and just fixin to go change Sally's bandages while things are still relatively calm......

Monday 11 June 2012

It was good to hear from Dad last night..... so i guess its about time i updated this blog. It has been a hell of a week last week, the added stresses of my job due to the govt's obsession of budgets and saving money in the middle of a mining boom!!!... this on top of the increasingly hopeless situation of Sally's health. She is off the antibiotics and her sores are getting worse, the antibiotics are no longer effective, at best they kept the sores at bay but there has been no more improvements even while she was on the antibiotics. So with the antibiotics option no longer viable one wonders what is left to do. I see no end to this ordeal. I am now needing to changing bandages twice per day rather than just once per day, that alone is proof positive that things are getting worse. It makes me wonder where this will all end.

This month marks a year since this ordeal started. Sally's health conditions first became evident in July last years, during the dreaded "The Three Weeks" - a period of time when bad things happens to Jews. This was when both the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed, both amazing on the same day on the lunar calendar. The Three Weeks represents events leading up to the destruction of the Temples. Calamities involving Jews through the ages including that of the Holocaust all started during The Three Weeks. And every year without fail something bad always happens to me during this The Three Weeks, and where I was able to keep records, events in the past many years before I have known of this phenomenon can be traced back to this period. A case in point, the car rental fiasco back in 1998 during my trip to America. At that time I have had no knowledge nor awareness whatsoever of this Three Weeks period nor the date of the Temples' destruction. However the car rental fiasco occurred almost exactly during this Three Weeks, the start of the rental being just a day after the start of The Three Weeks, and the car being finally dropped off at the depot just a day before the end of The Three Weeks. It was this fiasco that ultimately led to my bankruptcy, the consequences of I am still living with to this day. This is proof positive that The Three Weeks is not a matter of psychological suggestibility nor is it a case of "self fulfilling prophecy". I have learned from an early age that there is no such creature as "coincidence", there is always a reason behind things happening. This also means that if I am not physically Jewish, my soul must be Jewish - I have always been drawn to the Jews since an early age, always fascinated by them, indeed I have always loved them.

And so Sally's current health conditions began during The Three Weeks in July last year, and this ordeal have changed me forever, and not for the better. Even if things were to improve tomorrow, indeed if I was to be set free from this tomorrow, I will never be the same again. Suffering can either make or break a soul, it depends on how we are wired. Some have the ability to rise above such suffering and become better people, others have no ability to rise above this and so the soul is broken forever - more cynical, less trusting, perpetually depressed, suicidal, and with no hope of ever being happy again. I am of the latter. And I am utterly petrified of what The Three Weeks beginning July 7 this year will bring this time around, especially with no improvements in Sally's conditions, indeed worsening conditions.

Now on a slightly happier note.... the Magpies had another win and are on top of the ladder. I didn't think my Maggies would do as well this year, but it seems that they currently are doing so. My tipping doing ok, managed 4 points from 6 this time. According to the stats I have at least average to above average results in the tipping compared to the rest of the State - or whoever are on the newspaper's tipping comp.

The storms over the weekend were said to be the worst in ten years. There has been widespread power outages, with some expected to be without power for a week. This time we escaped unscathed, with no property damage and no power outages. However the forecast is for another storm of at least equal intensity to come in tonight, this will mean more damage and more power outages. It will remain to be seen whether we will escape this time around. This has been a very stormy start to the winter, and we usually don't get such severe weather here in Perth!!

Tomorrow I will try to remember to do a quick report on whether we survive the storms tonight or even whether the storms will come at all, as sometimes the storms does not come as forecast, sometimes it just fizzle out and all we get is a bit of rain. Let's hope this is so...........